19.2 Poland

  • In Poland we celebrate Christmas. We start preparations for that time at the beginning of December. 

    Advent starts 24 days before Christmas Eve. Children often get Advent calendars filled with 24 chocolates. They can eat one a day.

    On the 6th of December Santa Claus brings some sweets to children.

    We make Christmas decorations and we decorate Christmas trees.

    We also organise Christmas fair where local people can buy our handmade decorations.

    Usually on the last school day before Christmas each class organises Christmas meeting. During the meeting pupils share wishes and sing carols.

    The most important day for us is Christmas Eve. It's on 24th December. We have a special supper on that day called "Wigilia". There are 12 dishes which symbolize 12 months. We leave a free space at the table in case an unexpected wanderer will look for a place to spend Christmas. We also wait for the first star that appears in the sky to start the Christmas Eve supper. We also exchange wishes and share wafer before the supper.



     After the supper, we sing carols and Father Christmas comes to bring presents. We go to church at midnight to take part in the midnight mass called "Pasterka".


    We also celebrate Christmas Day on the 25th December and Boxing Day on 26th December. We celebrate these days by meeting friends and families, exchanging wishes and presents.