Team 6: SDG 12




    SDG 12. Responsible consumption and production

    Dear insects and other scary stories (2019), Maša Kolanović

    Poštovani kukci i druge jezive priče (2019.), Maša Kolanović

    Ova nas zbirka priča vodi u svijet tranzicije, kapitalizma, tehnologije i konglomeracije.
    U mračnome i jezivom svijetu pretjerane i neodgovorne produkcije i konzumerizma potrošnja nadomješta ljudskost, banke su dogme društva, a materijalni je višak nadređen egzistenciji.

    Što se dogodi kada prestanemo s odgovornom konzumacijom i proizvodnjom, saznajte u ovoj beskrajno zanimljivoj zbirci punoj apsurda i tjeskobe.


    This collection of stories takes us into a world of transition, capitalism, technology and conglomeration. In the dark and scary  world of excessive and irresponsible production and consumerism, consumption replaces humanity, banks are the dogmas of society, and material surplus is superior to existence. Find out what happens when we stop responsible consumption and production in this infinitely interesting collection full of absurdity and anxiety.



    Bursa Muradiye High School

    SDG 12- Responsible consumption and production
    Cahit Uçuk wrote her novel "Towards the Green Paradise" for children so that they can do their best to recycle and reduce waste.




    What a waste, a book writen by Jess French and translated in Greek by Ilaeira Dionisopoulou

    Jess French takes the problem of waste, pollution (water, air, sound, light), land resources, ozone, deforestation, endangered species, renewable energy and its forms, energy efficient and shielded houses and household waste and highlights all dimensions of the problem with a very mature and modern look.

    Why do we consume so much, what do we need and where does all this end up?

    How can we buy less food? Why half the planet throws away almost a third of the food it buys and the other half of the planet is hungry or malnourished?

    this book finally promotes the 3Rs and especially "Reduce"

    Agents of the Planet: The Revenge of Puff, Eleni Andreadi

    In this book, recyclable products (REcycle), responsible consumption (REduce) and the energy footprint of each of us (REuse, REthink, REmake) have their place of honor.



    Grandma Flora's Christmas: a didactic tale written by Maria Barba. It's based on universal values, the viability of nature, biodiversity and their link with the food chain and consumption