Team 7:SDG 13

  • A Portuguese book on:


    SDG 13 - Climate Action




    "Nicolas Hulot devenu ministre de l’écologie en France a claqué la porte du gouvernement car il estimait que les moyens pour atteindre les objectifs fixés pendant la campagne électorale de l’actuel président  étaient insuffisants.

    Militant écologiste depuis toujours et inlassable explorateur, il dresse dès 1991 un état des lieux de la planète et décrit dans son livre « Etats d’âme » la façon dont chaque individu habite la Terre. A lire ou à relire, plus que jamais ce sujet est d’actualité, « brûlant », car la planète est en feu ».


    “Nicolas Hulot was born on April 30, 1955 in Lille (France). He has been a reporter, writer and television program-maker. Ushuaïa Nature, for instance, has been broadcast in 35 countries. In 1990 he established the Nicolas Hulot Foundation for Nature and Mankind, a leading environmental NGO aiming at encouraging changing consumption patterns throughout society (citizens, policy-makers, business people…). He has been chairing it ever since. Nicolas Hulot wrote many books on sustainable development (“How many catastrophes before taking action?”, “The Titanic syndrome”, “For an Ecological Pact”….). Through his Foundation, he invited the 2006 French Presidential candidates to commit to an Ecological Pact. The Pact was then backed by around 750 000 people, and it helped put environment high on the political agenda. He was appointed as Special Envoy of the President of the French Republic for Protecting the Planet in December 2012”.


    SDG 13. Climate action

    Pismo iz Zelengrada (1993.), Nevenka Videk

    Ova priča koja u sebi nosi duboku ekološku poruku pisana je infantilnim jezikom i namijenjena najmanjima.
    Ukazuje na posljedice nemarih postupaka ljudi prema šumama, rijekama, životinjama i vodama.
    Služeći se postupcima basne, ponajviše u vidu personifikacije, autorica kroz likove životinja upozorava na problem zagađenja okoliša i klimatskih promjena.


    SDG 13. Climate action

    Letter from Zelengrad (1993), by Nevenka Videk

    This story, which carries a deep ecological message, is written in an infantile language and intended for the smallest. It points to the consequences of people's negligent treatment of forests, rivers, animals and water. Using fable procedures, especially in the form of personification, the author draws attention to the problem of environmental pollution and climate change through animal characters






    Author: Aikaterini A. Tsakmakidou

    Climate change and local authorities


    the topic of this book is around the  mitigation and adjustment measures could be taken locally and / or regionally for Climate Change.


    The author mentions that Climate Change is on a global scale, which includes a number of extreme weather events and is associated with serious developments in the future. She describes the reaction of the public. Actually she says that this varies: indifference, skepticism or activism and mobilization.She also wonders if local authorities have understood their role in addressing the problem. For this to happen she describes the Greek laws that refer to the responsibilities of Local Government planning and applying environmental policies related to mitigation and adaptation to the climate change, as well as the investigation of the actual goals that the Local Government sets on the matter and the measures that are taken in order to achieve those goals.





    I protagonisti di “Qualcosa là fuori” sono Livio, neuroscienziato, sposato con Leila di origini siriana, laureata in Fisica. Sono due napoletani che nel periodo della cosiddetta fuga dei cervelli, si sono trasferiti negli States, compiendo una brillante carriera universitaria. Ma il racconto muta registro, muovendosi su due distinti binari da Napoli agli Stati Uniti, in California, nelle Università americane e poi il ritorno in Italia per motivi legati anche ad affetti familiari.

    Da Napoli inizia una nuova migrazione verso la Scandinavia, poiché i peggiori scenari che si erano configurati in tema di mutamenti climatici si sono realizzati e l’Italia è divenuta, in un breve lasso di tempo, un territorio arido e inospitale. Nulla si era messo in atto per prevenire questo sfacelo che induce, quasi diecimila persone a partire verso terre lontane più vivibili in una migrazione di diecimila uomini che dal sud dell’Europa si sposta verso Il Nord.
    Ma ecco che in questo contesto drammatico e sconvolgente vi è però un elemento di speranza che è quello dei valori familiari che rimangono solidi ed intoccati.


    The protagonists of "Something out there" are Livio, a neuroscientist, married to Syrian-born Leila, a Physics graduate. They are two Neapolitans who in the period of the so-called brain drain, moved to the States, making a brilliant university career. But the story changes register, moving on two distinct tracks from Naples to the United States, California, American universities and then the return to Italy for reasons also related to family affections.

    From Naples a new migration to Scandinavia begins, as the worst scenarios that had taken shape in terms of climate change have taken place and Italy has become, in a short period of time, an arid and inhospitable territory. Nothing had been put in place to prevent this breakdown that induces almost ten thousand people to leave for far more livable lands in a migration of ten thousand men who move from the south of Europe to the North.
    But here in this dramatic and upsetting context, however, there is an element of hope which is that of family values ​​that remain solid and untouched.





    TURKEY Bursa Muradiye 

    "Air" is a novel written by Buket Uzuner. It's about experiencing the drastic effects of climate change.