Team 2:SDG 3


    SDG 3

    Danaja Lorenčič: Ana v meni
    A 2014 Slovenian book on struggling with anorexia

    SDG 3
    Janja Vidmar: Angie
    A 2007 Slovenian book on mental health problems of a young girl


    Italian team
    SDG 3


    Portugal: a book for teenagers

    SDG3: Good health & well-being



    SDG 3. Good health and well-being

    Pronalazak Athanatika (1957.) Vladan Desnica

    Što biste učinili da otkrijete ultimativni lijek protiv svih bolesti, pa čak i smrti?

    Upravo o tome govori Desnica u ovoj varijanti fantastičnoga i distopijskog romana. Konstruiravši hipotetički scenarij budućnosti u kojoj znanstvenici stvaraju lijek protiv smrti, autor je stvorio svijet prepun euforije i zdravlja, ali i cijeloga niza neslućenih posljedica.

     What would you do to discover the ultimate cure for all diseases and even death? This is exactly what  the author is talking about in this variant of a fantastic and dystopian novel. By constructing a hypothetical scenario for the future in which scientists create a cure for death, the author has created a world full of euphoria and health, but also a whole range of unprecedented consequences.


    Greek literature


    Once upon a time I decided to die. Slowly but steadily and without realizing it, as the years went by, I dug my hole, shoveling every day and a little soil, emptying every day and a little life. And everyone lived well and we better. Almost. I lived; despite my undeniable efforts to the contrary. But not well. And definitely not better. "How did you get anorexia?" they ask me sometimes. My mind wanders for a few seconds. How did I get anorexia nervosa? I did not suffer. In my mind, the word "suffered" indicates that something happened to me accidentally, unintentionally, without me seeking or agreeing to it. But no accident happened to me, I didn't get sick by mistake. I did not have anorexia. I chose her. This is my story. A story of a completely ordinary girl, like so many others, who sank in the quicksand without knowing where to get to get out and be saved. The story of a young woman who was doomed to live in a prison of mirrors, in lies and pain, in self-exile. Eternally frozen, eternally hungry. Alone. I myself condemned myself to life in solitary confinement. I decided that my life had no value and no meaning. I tried to kill Anastasia. I hated her and wanted her to die at all.

    But suddenly something strange happened, something unexpected. Just before I made it, I changed my mind. costs.



    SDG 3- Health and well-being


    Turkey Bursa Muradiye Vocational and Technical High School

    Students go through art works related to SDG 3 and analyze and interpret them.


    Reanimation of the paintings

    Acting out as the patients and doctors in the painting.

    Everybody has a right to access all the health services as seen in the painting.
    Good health and well-being for people

    "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages."

    Goal 3

    Goal 3 aims to achieve universal health coverage, including access to essential medicines and vaccines

    SDG 3 in ART

