TEAM 8 (dealing with electronic waste in Greece)

  • TEAM 8



    Nika y Mónica (resilience)

    Dusum y Mónica (creativity)

    Benjamin (leadership)

    Ula (communication)

    Angela (collaboration)

    Amina (entrep.spirit)

    Kasia (innovation)

    Tugba(critical thinking)






    Benjamin-E-waste is so problematic,don't you think so?

    Hatice -Yes,due to its large volume.


    Ula-You should oblige suppliers of computers,mobiles and monitors to take them back once you want to get rid of them.

    Kasia-Yes,in that way school saves money by paying less for waste going to landfill.

    Angela - Start a campaign "You make it, you take it back"

    Amina - Mobile phones and other electronic items contain high amounts of precious metal such as gold or silver. We have to bring these metals into circular economy.


    Nika -The toxics inside these products don’t belong in the landfill.

    Don’t throw old electronics in the trash!


    Petra - A large number of what is labeled as “e-waste” is actually not waste at all, but rather whole electronic equipment or parts that are readily marketable for reuse or can be recycled for materials recovery.

    Alessandra - According to companies, a new product is very easy, but a successful repair is very difficult.

    Tugba- Think twice before buying a new one


    Hatice -If your product is too old or too broken to donate, you should recycle it.

    Find a responsible recycler


    Benjamin- Donate for reuse if possible.


    Kasia- Try the manufacturers’ free recycling programs

    Hold Manufacturers Accountable Producer must be taker For Electronic Waste



    Dusum - Learn about the toxics in our electronics and why they don’t belong in the trash.

    Research electronic toxins and share your results with others. Start a school-wide project on this subject


    Amina -Is there a national take back law in Greece? If isn't, you must highly recommend it to your policy makers.

    Take part in national and international environmental youth events and make your voice heard about e-waste.


  • Which power/skill do you find the best in this problem-solving process?
    2 votes (7.14%)
    3 votes (10.71%)
    0 votes (0%)
    critical thinking
    4 votes (14.29%)
    4 votes (14.29%)
    10 votes (35.71%)
    entrepreneurial spirit
    4 votes (14.29%)
    1 vote (3.57%)