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  • Events or activities with families

    Online meeting at home with pupils from Ceuta, Spain, with the collaboration of families. 20th March 2020

    Since Coronavirus has changed our lifes, schools are closed and pupils have to be at home, teachers look for other ways to go on in touch with pupils. We proposed an online meeting to explain pupils how to collaborate on the creation of the online magazine, what and how to do it as well as to practice mindfulness at home in situation of sadness, stress or anger.

    Many pupils participated on the videoconference thanks to the support and collaboration of their families.

    At the same time, it has been a great opportunity for them to see each other and to enjoy, taking into account that it is more than one week since they can't go out from home.

    Teachers that have participated on the online meeting: Ángeles Molina from Seville, Lucia Villar and María José Cayuela from Ceuta, Spain.

    10th February. Face to face meeting in IES Macarena, Seville, Spain.

    10 February In the IES Macarena we had a meeting with the families and Twinning of our project, we presented them the Twinspace page and the activities we had developed until then, they loved it and encouraged us to continue developing it. We also told them about the collaboration and service project that we had agreed with the Ecohuerto del Rey Moro in Seville so that they could participate with us.

    Documents for families.

    In documents we have added a copy of the authorization that families have signed for the authorization of the participation of our students in recordings or photos as well as the educational use of the them.

    29.4.20 Families online project presentation at Vega de Atarfe (Granada)

    Today, we have met our students to go on working in our project. Something usual but for the fact that we are all at home due to Covid19 quarantine. We needed to see each other and comment on the work done and future tasks.
    We had agreed that their families could participate in the videomeeting so we presented our project to them. When the presentation finished we all agreed it has been a lot of entertaining, interesting and useful activities for their learning process. Even students surprised on how much work they had done!!
    We teachers congratulated them and their families on their effort and families thanked teachers for all what this project had taught their children.
    We think that thank you to eTwinning all this is possible

    Sebil Var, Çanakkale Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi

    We continued our work as a family during Pandemic days, my students and I had a pleasant time.

    From Ceuta, Spain, we thank families their collaboration during coronavirus situation.

    Due to the coronavirus situation, students have to go on working and collaborating from home. In this situation, families' collaboration have been quite important. They have been supporting and helping students with their work at home.