• Students from Caserta work Marie Curie's birthday biography on Biocube


    Marie Curie: Her city Warsaw.

    Imagine Marie Curie walking through Lazienki Park, she loved being in touch with nature and riding a bicycle.

    In the book "Letters from Marie and her daughters" on pages 144-145 Marie describes her hometown: "There is a picturesque old town whose old houses and squares are currently being renovated and taken over by companies that provide the necessary funds for their conservation. There is the Vistula, on whose banks a boulevard is beginning; around it there are very beautiful and extensive parks and also public parks and private gardens".



    Marie Curie et la Journée de la fille.

    Bonjour, de l'IES Macarena de Séville, nous voulons partager l'exposition pour la Journée des Enfants que nous avons réalisée sur Marie Curie et ses filles.
    Sa phrase " Dans la vie, il n'y a rien à craindre, seulement des choses à comprendre " nous a inspirés pour créer des colibris avec du papier recyclé que nous avons peint et monté comme symbole de la curiosité et de la valeur de l'éducation pour toutes les filles du monde.
    Le livre "Lettres de Marie Curie à ses filles" a été la source pour les affiches, elle a toujours éduqué dans l'effort, la joie, le sport et la curiosité pour la science. 





    The IES Macarena remembers Marie Curie on the day of her birth (November 7, 1867) recognizing the value, social commitment and discoveries she brought to science. We have made hummingbirds with origami that represent the freedom to achieve your dreams. And the right of girls to education.



    This day on December 10, 1911 Marie Curie obtained a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her contribution to the world with the discovery of polonium and radio. We have made some badges to distribute among all the students and teachers to celebrate it.


    On 11 February, on the occasion of the celebration of Women and Girls in Science Day, we produced this video based on the emotions expressed in the letters that Marie and her daughters wrote to each other.

    Some lines are taken from the book "CARTAS MARIE CURIE Y SUS HIJAS" by the key intellectual publisher. Edition by Helene Langevin Joliot and translation by María Teresa Gallego and Amaya García Gallego. Pages: 117-121-134-268-292-293-294.