INSTRUCTIVE TEXTS (Traditional Autumn Recipes)


    Dear partners!

    Our students have done these instructive texts about our autumn recipes, mostly from berries we can pick from the forest next to our school. First this all was done in Finnish and  then planned and translated in English using Powerpoint programme. The younger students used Powerpoint for the first time and the older ones (5th and 6 th) this was the second time. We all think that the results were good thinking of that. Students get a lot of new information while trying and learning together! When evaluating the works they all thought that they all have still much to learn!

    Powerpoints from the stundents from the 6 th grade:

    Made of lingonberries by Ville. There are lot of lingonberries near our school in autumn. The students are picking those to make a pie. But you can also make a porridge of those following Ville's recipe.

    Made of apples by Jere K

    Made of cranberries by Emilii. A cranberry is one of those berries we don't have near our school. With this recipe you can make a kind soup a dessert.

    Another recipe made of lingonberries. This is made by Jesse.

    Raspberries-blueberries by Jere P as a dessert.

    All those above are kind of sweet recipies. Next one is one of our Christmas food, thought we also eat it year-round: Liver casserole by Veeti


    5th graders:

    Something made of mushrooms: A Mushroom pie by Panu


    Our 4th graders wants to tell you that instead of feeding ourselves in Finland it is very important to feed the birds too. ;)

    How to feed those little birds which are stying in Finland over wintertime by Sara and Jimi in Finnish



         Making a blueberry pie!                                                            Be my guest! ;)





    Some traditional recipes of autumn







    Our autumn recipes... Yummmmmy :-)



    Dear partners,

    Our students have written down the autumn recipes specific for our country by using their skills on computer programmes.



    Dear friends,

    In the school CEIP San José de Calasanz from Fraga (Huesca) Spain, we have worked very hard with the instructive texts.  We would like you to have a look at all the great work our staff and children did.

    Our 3-year-old students did this:

    This is the work done by our 4-year-olds:

    Our P5 students carve some pumpkins and they would like you to see this video and learn HOW TO DECORATE A PUMPKIN:

    Year 1 students found out HOW TO BECOME A WITCH:

    Year 2 students did some work in the Spanish class. They learned how to do instructive texts and for that they studied the alphabet and wrote a HOW to do a visual alphabet text.  Look at they projects:


       Presentación abecedario 2º Erasmus+



    Our Year 3 and 4 students did all these activities:

    2nd Cycle Instructive Text




    Hello friends,

    First the children looked at examples of recipes for traditional autumn cooking. Here is an example:

     Image result for pumpkin soup recipe

    Our Year 4 students then linked this to their topic of Harry Potter and were busy writing recipes for a potion. Here are some photos of their learning during the unit of work:

    Below are some examples of the texts they created -  we hope you enjoy!!