Visit my town Ilmajoki!
(We got a permission for using Jussi Niukkala's photos. Others are taken by us.)
Here are two PowerPoint presentations
Visit my town - Rejowiec F. Visit Rejowiec Fabryczny
And here two leaflets about our town prepared by our students.
Leaflet I
Leaflet II
Our students made posters and a Prezi presentation to show the beauty of our city.
The last text type was the persuasive text. We all agreed that we were going to prepare a text inviting people to come and visit our towns. This is what year 5 did. They composed a rap about our town. This is what year 5º B class did.
Our challenge was a little different as our children did not come on the visit to share their learning. Therefore they presented their learning during the visit to England in November 2015. They created a persuasive presenation to share with the visiting teachers about their favourite places to visit in the UK.