We found it rather hard to find any real legends. We have a lot of folk stories, but not so many legends (as we translate it). So our pupils decided to look for some people from our province that have done something famous or special thing. Our legends come from 16th, 19th and 21th centuries. Two of these legends are from Ilmajoki and have affected on our history. The third one comes from Seinäjoki, our neighbour town and is affecting still.

    These stories are not the best examples of narrrative texts, but they are stories of real people.

    Our Legends: Könni's clock makers


    Our Legends: Dudesons

    Our Legend: Jaakko Ilkka





    Myths and Legends about the olive tree

    Demeter and Persephone
    Mermaid and Great Alexander





    The Golden Duck      



    The Wawel Dragon


    And a short video about the Wawel Dragon presented by our students




    The pupils also created legends based on characters known to them from History, Geography classes, using the narrative text. Pre-school children drew to these legends. An illustrated trilingual book in Romanian-Hungarian-English was the final product. 




    In our project we agreed that during the month of April, just before the 23rd of April, we were going to work with the narrative text and specifically we were going to read "legends".  The 23rd of April is the International Day of Books and here in Spain it is celebrated widely.  As we are from Aragón, we are also very proud of our Saint patron Saint George, and all schools read about Saint George and the dragon he defeated. 
    Even though each class read different legends, we all celebrated the "Conta Patis" at our school.  This is an afternoon when all students go out to the playground where the old students narrate a legend to the younger students.  The Year 6 students read another legen aloud. 

    Here you can see a video of the afternoon we spent together:



    At our school, the 5-year-olds have read a story about a bandit that lived a long long time ago near our region.  Our children learned about his story and did a very nice book.  Let's have a look!

    Movie Maker: EL BANDIDO CUCARACHA EN FRAGA... - Diapositivas


    Year 5 and Year 6 students were going to be directly working with students from all our partner schools in May, 2016.  They were all very excited and wanted to learn a lot about the countries their new friends were coming from.  So, in Social Science we learnt about other countries, and then we all read different legends. Each group read one and did a poster.  After that, each group explained the story aloud in English to the rest of the class.  

    Have a look at our presentation:


    Here we have an example of a Myth and Legend from one of our Year 5 students. The children story mapped and wrote their own myth using the 'Talk 4 Writing'  method.