Labour market guidance, counselling and coaching (18)



    POLAND  22.03.2018 

    Polish students went to Krakow to participate in Educational Fair - Festival of Professions in Małopolska. There were over 100 stands with vocations and vocational schools from Malopolska region including Krakow. Students of technical and vocational secondary schools, 130 stands, prepared in cooperation with entrepreneurs. Younger students to whom are shown, from elementary schools or gymnasiums, gain in the way of "living professions" in real life in a given field.

    POLAND (29.01.2018)

    The Polish students went to Nowy Sącz (a city 70km from Krempachy) to took part in three activities related to labor market guidance and counselling. We visited employment service and had a meeting with career counselor. The next place was Zespół Szkół Elektryczno-Mechanicznych w Nowym Sączu - the best vocational school in Poland. At the end we went to NEWAG S.A. - a modern com­pany with its history dating back to 1876. As one of the oldest rail indu­stry com­pa­nies in Poland, NEWAG S.A. has had long-term expe­rience in moder­ni­zing and manu­fac­tu­ring of rol­ling stock and manu­fac­tu­ring of trams and sub­way tra­ins. The com­pany spe­cia­li­zes in perio­dic repa­irs and moder­ni­za­tion of elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves, elec­tric mul­ti­ple units as well as sub­as­sem­blies for rail vehic­les.


    ESTONIA (15.01.2018)

    The Estonian participants are finding out about their strengths and weaknesses of their personalities, which is believed to be very helpful for enhancing their entrepreneurship skills. 


    Portugal, 25th January 2018

    All classes of 9th grade went to an event in Santa Maria School - "Perguntas para o Futuro" Where they had the change to learn about future paths in their education.

    Here is a summary of the day:

    PORTUGAL January, 2018

    Year 9 students have a subject which is dedicated to their future career and professional life. During several lessons students did some research, debated questions related with their future professional life with the guidance of their teacher, who is a member of the Portuguese team. The school psichologist who is resposnsible for career guidance gave the teacher some support whenever it was necessary.

    Here is a sample of some of the students' PPT:



    On Tuesday January 9th 2018, we went to « Orange gardens », a site devoted to research and innovation thanks to Carole Brunel. It was in Chatillon, not far from Versailles.

    First, we attended a presentation of the company Orange. Now, we know that it is in 29 countries for example. We had a nice exchange with professionnals: an engineer talked about the studies she made and her professionnal experience. At the end of this presentation, we had a bag with a notebook and some candies.

    After, we were divided into two groups. One group went to the « third place » (a place between the workplace and home) : it's a place where employees can create things with many tools and machines like a 3D printer. The second group went to the anecoic room, a metallic box where there is no noise or no phone waves. It is used to make tests.

    What kind of jobs can we find in this company?

    Claire chauvin explains the studies she made and her professional experience 

    The anechoic chamber



    6.03.2017 - Polish students had worhsops, then they wrote an Individual Development Plan.




    (01.03.2017) - The Estonian coordinator is introducing an Individual Development Plan to a team of students who would take part in the mobility in Poland.



    Saturday 25 February 2017 career's day at Pierre de Nolhac school: students 'parents spoke about their profession. A friendly and enriching time !

    A officer talks about his career

    Discussion about jobs in the informatic field.





    All classes of year 8 are participating in career and vocational guidance workshops in school (February 2017). In April, these students will attend the second part of this event - "Questions 4 the future" in the Upper Secondary School - ESSM. 





    In the beginning of February the Estonian participants of the project "Science 4 all" had an opportunity to meet two career specialists from a career centre Rajaleidja.The students discovered what kind of specialists work there, as well as what kind of help is available in Rajaleidja. In addition, all 33 participants had a chance to check their erudition in a game, which was based on various types of jobs. Finally, all the students left some feedback for the career experts and also asked them personal questions, answers to which they would receive by email. 





    On 25th January 2017 18 Polish pupils had workshops on professions. They learned how many proffesions exists in Poland, how they are clasyfied whar requirements should be fulfilled to work in such job. Students described recommended personal attributes for particular profession and wonder if they wish to do this job.




    On 16th November 2016 24 Polish pupils took part in Global Entrepreneurship Week 2016, November 14-20. They visited a company in Nowy Targ Kegel-Błażusiak which is a leading Polish producer of professional work clothes, shoes and car seat covers.,o-firmie

    During one week each November, thousands of events and competitions in 160 countries inspire millions to engage in entrepreneurial activity while connecting them to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors. Powered by the Kauffman Foundation, the initiative is supported by dozens of world leaders and a network of more than 15,000 partner organizations.