18.Enhanced professional skills of partner schools teachers

  • A result achieved by teachers directly involved in the project, as well as other ones who participated in events within the project

    • Planned number of teachers who enhanced professional skills: 18
    • Number of teachers who enhanced professional skills after the project (only in partner schools):
      • Poland: 6
      • France: 4
      • Estonia: 5
      • Portugal: 5
      • TOTAL: 20

    Number of teachers who implement cross-curricular teaching in your daily practice icreased almost four times. More teachers apply different methodologies including problem-based teaching in your lessons and threee times more use digital tools and apps in lessons. Thanks to the project teachers are familiar with the use of VLE (virtual learning environment) in teaching (i.e. Moodle) and are of online educational websites, for example ones where teachers may create games for students to play during lessons using their smartphones. Almost twice more teachers participating in the project started working collaboratively with other teachers in their school. They include in teaching key competences required in labour market in a wider range, and know vocabulary in English related to teaching and education.

    More information here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRi1AwbPHWmmc357xyZbPmcGtAA5lNe9UrW6-vxta5fKYw57XRjEGvF16t9yefmkDlipCtfBdg_YToF/pubhtml?gid=72461512&single=true

    Opinions of teachers from partner schools after the project:

    • Thanks to the project, I have significantly expanded my work technique, especially with methods using ICT. I had the unique opportunity to increase my European awareness and develop in a multifaceted way, both from the professional and personal side.
    • It made me sure that teaching in a traditional way at school is unsuitable for our students to develop their skills. I got to know many innovative teaching methods, increasingly using ICT tools. I improved my communication in English - which made sure that I use this language in a communicative way.
    • I will use a lot of new tools and methods in my future job.
    • I have become more confident in teaching.
    • The way to teach: a deep use of the English in my classroom and new ways of solving problems.
    • It was an amazing experience and the opportunity to meet really innovative teachers; it helped me to widen my way of teaching.
    • So enriching experience ! So interesting to learn about other cultures. Inspiring to meet so great teachers.
    • My openness, the joy of sharing, my way of seeing the teaching.
    • So enriching expereince ! It gave me the idea to work in an Highschool abroad for a year or more.
    • 1. It improved my foreign language skills. 2. I have met many interesting people. 3. I will use a lot of new tools and methods in my future job. 4. I will write another Erasmus+ project in the future. 5. I have become more confident in teaching.
    • It proved that distance is not a problem, cooperation and collaboration are essential, we can make a difference in students lives, that hardwork is worthwhile. It gave me a different perspective on how to see teaching. Helped me gain confidence. I learned a lot with our partners, students... Met fantastic people...
    • New stimulus.
    • Through the exchange of experiences with the partners, I was able to open horizons regarding the ways of teaching and motivating students in the present and in the future.             

    In all partner schools were organised workshops for teachers not directly involved in the project. There were presented new methods, tools and skills gained thanks th the project and collbaration with teachers from partner schools. Resources like presentations and scenarios of innovative lessons were shared among teachers.