• Activities were organized in order to make the 309 students, interact and collaborate to publish common productions. During the 4 seasons growing activity, they have been sowing common varieties of beans, and comparing their growth in the beans diaries they held. Finally the results were published in 9 productions.
    According to the IYP2016, the sudents  made aware of the nutritional benefits of pulses, using the 2 sets of nutritional cards, specially created for this eTwinning project and following the 2 steps common work process.
    A collaborative work process was set to produce a document on proverbs about pulses in popular culture.
    2 collaborative stories have been written in english and in french:
    “A fistful of pulses” (travelling around the world with a legume seed) and “Le mystère des haricots rouillés” (a police investigation)
    A collaborative production of beans recipes in cuisine
    At last, a final photo album Growing pulses in a glimpse of the 38 schools has been published in june 2017.
    All the work processes of the productions are detailed in the Twinspace pages of the related activities


    Growing pulses

    In those productions we gathered  the photos and the informations of our diairies of the 6 most popular varieties of beans, classified by varieties. (a total of 23 varieties were planted during this activity)

    Summer Automn 2016

    Winter Spring 2017


    Growing pulses in a glimpse


    Glimpse to the growing pulses activitiy of the 38 schools In this production we gather the reports of the 12 schools, that used the same set of nutition cards, created in July 2016 for the project


    In Cuisine

    Récit collaboratif

    A collaborative production of beans recipes in cuisine A police investigation written in a collaborative narrative (in photo novel and video)


    Proverbs in pop culture

    Pulses in Imaginary Hi-story