Sfax TUNISIA (college)

  • *** School presentation: Pioneer middle school of sfax Tunisia

    *** Project presentation 


    *** From the nutrition activity, my pupils understand that pulses are in the same food category as meat "Protein group".
    They acquired the basic knowledge about a balanced alimentation.

    This activity has been achieved on 10th october.


    *** Scratch story about the importance of beans



    Xmas Cards
    Xcards received by my friend Daniela and her lovely pupils
    Beans and some wonderful cards received from Athanasia (Greece) , Eric(France), Daniela (Croatia) and Aránzazu (Spain)
    ***Mindmap created by Creately web2.0 tool to explain the different sub-projects to be achieved by pupils during this semester.

    *** receiving beans from our patner Eric

    *** Beans growing in spring 2017

    *** presentation for the project to show the practice of the softskills trough this project

    *** Story about Mr Bean life 

    Book titled 'Mr Bean's family'Read this free book made on StoryJumpervar pr=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https:" : "http:");if (typeof SJScriptLoaded === "undefined") {window.SJScriptLoaded = true;var s = document.createElement("script");s.src = pr+"//www.storyjumper.com/script/storyjumper-embed.js";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s);function r(f){/in/.test(document.readyState)? setTimeout("r("+f+")",9) : f()}r(function() { SJMakeBookOpenLightBox(); });}
    *** Story about 4 beans friends
    Book titled 'The four friends'Read this free book made on StoryJumpervar pr=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https:" : "http:");if (typeof SJScriptLoaded === "undefined") {window.SJScriptLoaded = true;var s = document.createElement("script");s.src = pr+"//www.storyjumper.com/script/storyjumper-embed.js";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s);function r(f){/in/.test(document.readyState)? setTimeout("r("+f+")",9) : f()}r(function() { SJMakeBookOpenLightBox(); });}
    *** Fun in Mr Bean : Scratching games created by my pupils

    *** Funny Images with Mr Bean's Family


    *** Puzzles with funny images

    *** Blog created by my pupils to present some funny images and videos


    *** Cooking pulses : 


    *** Beans story created by a group of 4 pupils from pioneer middle school of sfax Tunisia

    ***Mr Bean's life presented by a group of my pupils of pioneer middle school of sfax Tunisia


    27 April 2017: Participation in partner classes meeting

    On site recording:

    *** Dissemination on Facebook

    You can visit the dissemination part folder on Google drive