In all documents and publications keep to the EU rules.
Always add this disclaimer: “The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
Add the folowing logo:
adding the text: “Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union”.
And be careful about copyright when using images from internet!
KISS – Keep it short and simple
Exchange as many addresses as possible (email, snail mail, telephone, etc.). This way, you have a lot of ways to get and stay in touch with your partner.
Always reply to messages!
Silence is mortal for collaborative project work. You will always ask yourself if the message has been received by your partner or not. Therefore, even if you don’t have time enough to respond in detail, at least reply to say that you have received the message and that you will reply in full as soon as possible.
Be aware of cultural differences
Even though we all live in Europe there are still differences between countries, especially cultural differences.
Bear in mind that written messages can have another impact on readers compared to spoken words. Your partner cannot see you or your body language and cannot hear the tone of your voice. If you are puzzled about a message, or in some cases offended, please don’t react right away. Sleep on it, and look at it again the next day with a fresh look to avoid a possible misunderstanding.
Set deadlines and keep to them
Trust must grow and that takes time. Therefore, take your time, but also be trustful. Set feasible deadlines and stick to them. If you foresee you cannot make a deadline, please inform the other(s) about this as soon as possible.
Agree on the tools to be used
This is also part of being as clear as possible with your partner to avoid misunderstandings and/or frustrations. For example, it is no use trying to set up a web conference if your partner doesn’t have webcams and/or a suitable internet connection.
Invest time and energy to understand each other
As stated above, you need time to get to know each other. Trust and mutual understanding must grow. Sometimes this happens easily, other times it takes time, but overall it is always worthwhile. Mutual trust is the basis of your cooperation.
Don’t be afraid to ask!
As we often tell our children, “there are no stupid questions”. If you are not sure about something, just ask. Questions provide answers. Answers make you understand.
You can find more information in this publication (click on the icon):