Turkish analysis of questionnaires - comparing and contrasting of results


    Project: My work is my future

    Project nr. 2015-1-SK01-KA219-008905

    KA2: Strategic Partnerships in the field of Education, Training and Youths

    Personal information


    1. 7  more personnel took part in 2nd application of the questionnaire. Most of the staff are female.
    2. Most of the staff are between 36 and 45 years old.
    3. Almost all staff have a university degree.
    4. The graphs show increase in experience working with SEN students
    5. The graphs show that most of the applicants of both questionnaires were SEN teachers and the rest were other professionals (teaching assistants, psychologists, carers)


    1.The TEACCH method, which was unfamiliar to our teachers at the first questionnaire became known after dissemination seminars (from 10% to 90%).

    2. The graphs show increase in active use of TEACCH ( from5 % to 61%).

    3. Videomodelling, which  was known only by few of our teachers(27%) at the first questionnaire has shown a great increase at the second application and became known by all(95%).

    4. Videomodelling usage has shown increase in the graphs (57%).

    5. A great number of staff became familiar with Makaton method(88%).

    6. Makaton is not widely used in the classrooms because of special training requirement in this method (68 %never).

     7. Almost all staff are familiar with Picture Process Scheme method (97 %).

    8.Picture process scheme was a mostly known but rarely applied method. After the dissemination meetings and Project work, its usage have been increased (%75).

    9.Practical action is a method which was known by most of the teachers.

    10.There has been an increase in everyday use of practical action.

    11. Social adaptive skills classes is a very important and widely applied class in our school.

    12. SASC is strongly embed into the curriculum.

    13.Occupational theraphy is a method which has a different content and practical activities in different countries. In our school we have the same method very similar to Romania embed into different classes’  curriculum (93%).

    14. The graphs show increase in frequency of use of occupational therapy in practice

    15. Monitoring socialization of the students and observing them at work environment is a very important process and  it has an increase in the graphs.

    16. The graphs show increase in awareness among staff about organising monitoring the process of socialization and assisting with employment of qualified students at school.

    17.There has been an increase in the graphs showing familiarity with Kinezitheraphy ( from 10% to 89%).

    18. Most of the staff became familiar with Kinezitheraphy.

    19.Most of the staff believe the effectiveness and importance of teaching pre-vocational and vocational skills in realistic business environment at school.

    20.There has been an increase at the graphs related to realistic business environment at school.

    21.Most staff believe that there is a possibility of working conditions of an open labour market at school.

    22. For the time being we don’t have a workshop open to puplic at school.

    23. The graphs show an increase in the staff  considering  recognition and recording of pre-vocational and vocational skills is needed.

    24. Recognition and recording of pre-vocational and vocational skills is highly supported and applied at school.

    25.Almost all staff believe the effectiveness and necessity of  IEP/ITP as a part of curriculum. IEP and ITP are applied to all of our students and it is the most important step at starting education of a disabled person. The questionnaires have similar rates with slight increase at the second application.

    26. Almost all staff create and use IEP/ITP. The questionnaires have similar rates with slight increase at the second application.

    27. 95% of the staff have learnt a new method/skill with this project.

    28. TEACCH, videomodelling, Makaton, Kinezitherapy are the most common ones which were not familiar or not known well by our staff.

    29.The staff started to use these new methods at different rates and frequency.

    30. More than half of the staff consider that the application of above mentioned methods contribute to improvement of pre-vocational and vocational skills of students with SEN.

    31.77 % of the staff consider that school should enable the using of new methods.

    32. 93% of the staff have learnt a new ICT skill during the project.

    33. Most of the staff state that they have learnt skills related to editing of video, working with videomaker, app Slideshare, uploading and downloading videos etc.

    34. The staff  have implemented new skills and methods into practice at various capacity.

    35.There has been a great increase in the second questionnaire’s graphs related to eTwinning.

    36. The graphs show that 14% more of staff have opened an eTwinning account.

    37. The graphs show that more staff use eTwinning portal.

    38.The graphs show that number of people who knew about Europass mobility certificate increased from 20% to 94.6%.

    39.The staff who took part in the trainings have received Europass mobility certificate has made an increase in the graphs.




    With this Project, we have made a great contribution to field knowledge of the staff working at İzmir Özel Eğitim İş Uygulama Merkezi. What we really have tried to do is to share  new or different approaches and methods with our teachers, students and other beneficiearies which are conducted at different countries in Europe. In the same way we shared some methods that have been used in our country with our partners. The results show that we have achieved  one of the  most important goals of our Project.