Report on 3rd Transnational Project Meeting

  •                                                    Report on 3rd Transnational Project Meeting in Romania


    Date:  9 – 11th May 2017

    Duration: 3 days

    Attendees: 20 in total (3xUK, 5xRO, 3xSK, 3xHR, 3xPL, 3xTR)

    Place: Centrul Școlar pentru Educație Incluzivă ”Alexandru Roșca”

    Făgetului, 158, Lugoj, ROMANIA

    Agenda: see agenda of 3rd Transnational Project Meeting in Romania


    Items Discussed:

    Presentation of host school and school workshops

    • Presentation of a host school. Student’s performance on importance of project partnership – participating countries – their languages and customs, importanc of co-operation.  Open day for public took place at the same day in order to project dissemination and promotion.
    • Presentation of workshops at school – implementation of new methods and ideas gained  during the project  - use of ICT, visualization, videomodeling and photo instructions.

    Project evaluation – presentation of final outcomes

    • Project final outcomes were presented:
      1. Process Scheme Booklet – outcome of Turkish team – in Turkish/English version – printed and electronic version for project website. The booklet will be translated in June into all six project languages and will be shared for free download on the project website and eTwinning.
      2. Website – – one of the project websites with over 100 video scenarios and photo instructions made by all project partners and divided into six sections: self-care skills, play skills, academic skills, motor skills, social skills and work skills including the presentations with methodology of methods how to use  them in order to teach new skills to people with intellectual disabilities. The website will be enriched with two final outcomes: Booklet of Process Scheme and Booklet with recommendations based on examples of good practice of the project. The website and all materials found there is an OER (Open educational resource) for free use for everyone and is translated into all six project languages. This outcome was made by Slovak partner and materials and translations were provided by all partners.
      3. Booklet: Through Special Education to meaningful occupation, Recommendations based on examples of good practice – is a brief methodology as a low tech outcome made by Slovak partner – content was provided by all partners. This outcome will also be translated into all six project languages and uploaded on project website as well as at eTwinning.
      4. Memory stick (instead of DVD) with all presentations of the projects – outcome by Romanian team. Divided into three sections: a/ presentations of partner schools, b/ presentations of methods presented at Short Term Joint Staff Trainings, c/presentations regarding national specifics of special educations; transitions of students with SEN from education to work; Links between schools and future employers.
    • All project meetings, trainings and activities took place according the project timetable, or as they were agreed at later project meetings.
    • During the meeting and trainings additional activities and training took place on top of our planned activities as an added value to the project / all of these activities were related to the project and will help to achieve better outcomes and fulfil the aims of the project.
    • All partners responded that they have learned also in non-formal educational way – by observing other school’s environment, sharing examples of good practice, taking part in non-formal conversations.
    • Implementation of our project at all partners school are taking place: after each training  dissemination seminars took place as planned and evidence of them are pictures of the events at our project FB place at the schools in order to inform, disseminate and implement new methods, approaches and strategies seen and presented at the schools.
    • All partners have finished video scenarios and photo instructions as agreed on last training in Izmir. All videos and photo instructions are uploaded on project website.
    • All partners will upload all missing materials on project etwinning Twinspace in sections: Implementation, Case Study and Dissemination which are missing until end of June.
    • All partners will translate final outcomes (Booklets) into their languages and will send them to Slovak coordinator, who will upload them on project website by end of June.
    • All partners agreed that the project was demanding but very successful, that coordination and realization of project went well and that we did not have any serious problems that could jeopardize the project. Our outcomes are of very high quality and that the sustainability is very good.  

    Mobility Tool:


    • All coordinators met for a meeting regarding Mobility Tool. All partners managed to log on and we explained how to upload relevant information into the relevant sections.
    • More information about the Final report will be given by a Slovak coordinator or asked from national agencies of each partner country.


    Training of Sensory Integration


    • Because of demand by all partners, before the final project meeting we agreed that we will use this opportunity for and unplanned training, which has relevance to the project. British partner hold a presentation and a workshop about Sensory Integration during the meeting. English teacher explained on examples of 3 different case studies what mechanisms, resources and strategies can be used in order to meet different needs or students with ASD who have different sensory issues. It was on top of our project plan and we see it as an added value to the project.



    Visits to the organizations – examples of good practice


    • Visit and presentation of a NGO: Socio-Health Education Center  Sf. Ioana Antida Lugoj – Student performance
    • Visit and presentation of a NGO: Sheltered house Clementina Association. focusing on preparation for independent living and the inclusion of disadvantaged young people on the labor market


    • Visit and presentation of a NGO Casa Faenza – day care centere for children with ASD in Timisoara


    • Visit to Special High School Iris Timisoara – presentation of using ICT in teaching students with visual impairments


    • Visit to Special Technological High School Gh. Atanasiu Timisiara. Presentation of Vocational workshops


    Dissemination activities


    • Meeting with a local authority – Mayor of Lugoj – presentation and dissemination of My work is my future project.


    • Visit to Banat Village Museum in Timisoara, where the project dissemination activities were on display


    • Visit to University Etimie Murgu in Resita –  project dissemination activities

    Other Info:

    All participants signed the list of attendance and received the certificate of attendance.

    Report sent to:

    Emma Straker

    Cristina Mosoni

    Maja Postoglu

    Ozlem Yesiltepe

    Joana Hofner


    In Prešov, 17th July 2017                                                    Monika Smreková

                                                                                                 (project coordinator)