11.2 Programa de actividades EDUKARJALA

  • Every pupil is important – special education in Finland:

    Day nro 1: (starting 10.00 AM)

    - Welcome to Joensuu. Finnish education system, education in Joensuu. Joensuu as a city of education. Finland as a country and its results in PISA. Presentations of participants. Finnish special education system overview.

    Day nro 2:

    - Lessons and workshops about special support and inclusion in education.Dyslexia and how to help them. Evening learning session about lake Saimaa, sauna and Finnish culture.

    Day nro 3:

    - Day in Finnish school with Finnish teachers and pupils and discussion about inclusion in education. -Extra programme, visit to reindeer and Husky farm

    Day nro 4:

    - Outdoor education event in KOLI natural park.

    Day nro 5:

    - School psychologistsand social workers in Finnish education system, conclusions of the course, last presentations, certificates and feedback.

    (Officially course is over 1.00 PM)

    Every pupil is important 1-2021.pdf