4th TRAINING COURSE - “Inclusive education and special needs, the Italian experience of overcoming students’ segregation”

  • Training hosted by Istituto per la Formazione, l'Occupazione e la Mobilità, October 6-12, 2019 in Bologna, Italy. Participants: Isabel Casarões and Dora Ferreira.

    Main objectives of the course:

    - Know the main principles, benefits and values of inclusive education;
    - Making contact with the Italian model of inclusive education with a view to overcoming segregation and including pupils with special educational needs in mainstream education;
    - Know various ICT tools and platforms that support and facilitate the learning process of students with special educational needs;
    - Know and discuss teaching strategies and practical activities to promote participation and improve learning;
    - Leverage the power of peer involvement and peer education;
    - Visiting Italian schools and institutions active in the field of inclusive education and students with special educational needs;
    - Promote the exchange of good practice and discuss challenges with Italian teachers as well as educational staff from other EU countries participating in the training course.