9th day of formation - 12/09/2019

  • Another day where we looked in detail at a diverse set of strategies and methodologies that can be implemented to improve the achievement of students with special educational needs. Special attention to the following documents. Maslow's hierarchy was also addressed. Maslow's humanist theory allows one to understand people's motivations and behaviors by suggesting that there is a definite order by which individuals try to satisfy their needs throughout their lives (Maslow's pyramid of needs). This pyramid advocates six layers (basic needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs, self-fulfillment needs, and spiritual needs) that stimulate us to action. For Maslow, it's up to you to look for what you think is worth fighting for every day.

    School success is not only derived from academic achievement; It is also related to students' attitude towards school, their degree of motivation, time spent and study habits, attention span / concentration, speed of processing, problem solving, memory and anxiety with which each student deals with school activities.