1st day of formation - 27/01/2019

  • The "Yes, I can: Special Needs Students and Inclusive Education" course started in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia, on Sunday, 27 January. The first day of work for the three AEGSP teachers began on Sunday afternoon with a welcome session, where they could also meet the other trainees, who will work on the topic for a week in Special Education. In all, there are 10 trainees from 4 European countries, Spain, Croatia, Latvia and a second group of Portuguese trainees, coming from the Ferreira Dias School in Sintra. In this first meeting, besides the usual and cordial greetings, each group was able to present, in previously elaborated works, their school and their reality, in the scope of the highlighted theme, the special education. During the week and until next Saturday, moments of sharing experiences are expected, with different approaches in how to work on this theme.