6th day of formation - 01/02/2019

  • On the sixth day of formation and nearing the final stretch, we approached a set of concepts that we can always consider and in some way interrelated. The Theory of Binding was the first to be addressed. She recognizes the importance of a newborn developing a relationship with its primary caregiver (often the mother) so that the child develops socially and emotionally in a healthy way. The lack or deficient existence of this bond is one of the major causes of some behavioral disorders of the individual during their life, with particular incidence throughout the school career. Following the previous theory were treated the themes of hyperactivity (ADHD), anxiety and autism. During the approach of these themes, topics of pertinent applicability in the teacher / student relationship were presented. The day of formation continued with the exploration of the theme of Parent-Teacher Relations; between parents and children; and the triangle Parents / Teachers / Children. Within this, special emphasis was given to the Parental Expectations / Teachers Expectations. At the conclusion of this chapter, the trainer demonstrated how the teacher's experiences and family environment interact with her professional role in the relationship with the student and the parents.