• The last task was about everyday life of young Europeans - students made notes about their daily routines - from Monday to Friday and at weekends. Also, they were asked to compare how much time the activities took them and prepare charts to present their calculations.


    Here you can see presentations summarising the task in all the partner schools:

    The UK


    Italy Poland Romania Turkey




    Below, you can see some photos and images showing how we all worked:

    Examples of the British student's work:


    Examples of the Italian student's work:



    A slide from the Polish students' presentation:

    The twelth task prepared by our students encouraged them to focus on how they spend their weekdays and weekends. They had to take notes about their routines and think how much time they devoted to all these daily activities. It was another opportunity to compare our Polish lifestyle with the lifestyles of their European friends. There were a lot of similarities, of course :) Also, it was a way to focus on the organisation of their routines - are they good at planning their days? How much time do they need to do their chores or homework? See the results:


    Here you can watch our summary presentation as a film, too:


    Images from the Romanian students' photo-diaries:


    Images from the Turkish students' diary and photos: