•        In February 2015 teachers from the partner countries took part in a transnational meeting in Poland. On 9th February the guests participated in the ERASMUS+ project presentation. It involved multimedia presentations of the LOGO COMPETITION as well as TASKS 1 & 2 - "Maths Around Us". There were presentations of the partnering countries and to make the meeting more attractive, the Polish students gave a short performance in Polish and English and sang a list of songs in English, Italian, Romanian and Polish and danced to a Turkish song. In the evening the guests were invited to watch a show of Polish culture - they listened to Polish songs, watched regional dances and tasted local dishes. On 10th February the visitors watched a lesson show by a geography and mathematics teacher in Zespół Szkół in Rudki - it involved TASK 3 - "Maths & Travelling".

    Students from Zespół Szkół in Rudki - during and after the performance:


       In the following days the guests from Britain, Italy, Romania and Turkey went sightseeing - first to the nearby Holy Cross Monastery in the Holy Cross Mountains, then to Kraków and Wieliczka Salt Mine. Here is a slide show and photos presenting the activities during the transnational meeting:


          During the visit the teachers discussed the so far realised tasks 1 & 2 - "Maths Around Us" and planned the next activities. The experiences with "Maths Around Us" inspired us all to prepare a short guide for students and teachers to show the results of our work:


               Finally, all the discussions and conclusions resulted in an evaluation report prepared during the transnational meeting:


    The lesson show - students and teachers cooperate:work on TASK 3 - "Maths and Travelling":