• "CREATING A POEM, A SONG OR A RAP ABOUT MATHS" - The fifth project task encouraged our students to develop their creative skills - they had to write a text about Maths. You can listen to some of our songs in our blog posts: 




    All the presentations are collected here:



    Below, you can see some photos and images showing how we all worked:


    TASK 5 in the UK:

    These are examples of our texts about Maths:


    TASK 5 in Italy:

    As you can see, we had a lot of fun performing our song about Maths:


    TASK 5 in Poland:

    In Poland, students could create their own work or model it on a song, rap or poem they know. Then, they had to present it in front of their groups in Maths lessons. If they liked, they could translate their work into English. 


    Listening to these texts, it seems Maths is a must for every student - if you don't know it, you're going to be in trouble!!! Here are two examples of the students' work:


    Some artists also volunteered to perform their songs, raps and poems at the school celebration of the Children's Day on 1st June 2015.

    Here are some photos:



    You can watch the summary of our activities in the presentation below:



    TASK 5 in Romania:

    We created a song about Maths and performed it together. You can watch it on our blog: 



    TASK 5 in Turkey:

    We discussed the use of Maths in music and created a song about Maths too. You can listen to it below in our video



    Turkish students performed their song during the welcome concert in Transnational meeting in Turkey.