A40-Final Report

  • The three partners shared all the questions of the Final Report during the last Transnational Meeting and decided to create a final questionnaire to be submitted to all the teachers. 

    Questionario finale - Risultati.pdf


    According to data, the project has had a positive dissemination in the three schools: all the teachers were aware of the participation of the school to the Erasmus project and had listened to the Hymn; it has had a positive impact also on those not directly involved, in fact almost all are interested in a future project (60% answered “maybe”, but 40% answered “yes” for any kind of project, such as with students or just with teachers).

    It has been an important project also because it has involved a lot of teachers at their very first experience with an Erasmus project (90% of the Italian staff, 50% of the French staff , 80% of the Polish staff) and many have declared to be satisfied with their engagement into the project (all Polish teachers and 80% of the Italian teachers are satisfied, while French teachers answered in a less optimistic way due to the problems they faced as a consequence of the changing of staff members during the project). The impact of the project has been evaluated in a very positive way both for the teachers and students, but all the three partners agree that the major positive results concern the students. These data confirm the high level of satisfaction obtained in the questionnaires submitted to students and personal comments done by the families during the whole period of the project. Other positive results concern the three main objectives of the project: 70%  of the participants has improved ICT skills and considers them useful in class during the every-day lessons; English has been recognized as an important veicolar language and as a consequence the majority of the teachers is interested in developing communicative skills in the future; all the participants have declared the project has enhanced their sense of belonging to the European Culture.

    During the Transnational Meeting the three partners went through the activities of the project, highlightning positive and negative points; all the activities have been completed except the Final Show ( and scenographies) due to Covid reasons. We had to add a couple of activities to make the new students who took part to the project after the lock down, to feel part of it. Here the Final Gantt
