A7- Italian Aphorisms


    La musica è il ritmo del nostro cuore che batte.
    Music is the rhythm of our beating heart.
    La musique est le rhytme de notre cœur qui bat.

    Ogni carattere ha la sua musica.
    Every personality has its own music.
    Chaque caractère a sa musique.

    La musica è libertà di pensiero.
    Music is freedom of thought.
    La musique est une pensée libre.

    La musica è tutto quello che vuoi farla diventare.
    Music is anything you want it to become.
    La musique est tout ce que tu veux la faire devenir.

    La musica vuole tempo, amore e concentrazione.
    Music takes time, love and concentration.

    La musique nécessite de temps, amour et concentration.

    Dove c'è musica c'è umanità.
    Where there is music, there is humanity.
    Là où il y a de la musique il y a humanité.


  • Which is your favourite?
    Music is the rhythm of our beating heart.
    12 votes (18.46%)
    Music takes time, love and concentration.
    7 votes (10.77%)
    Music is anything you want it to become.
    20 votes (30.77%)
    Every personality has its own music.
    10 votes (15.38%)
    Music is freedom of thought.
    16 votes (24.62%)