M3-Transnational project meeting: POLAND

  • Final Transnational Project Meeting

    During our virtual International Project Meeting, we summarized the project results and activities. Jacek, from Poland, presented a presentation in which he summarized the main points of the project. Then, all the participants, collaborarated in answering all the questions of the final report. Here a summary in English, even if the report was written in Italian by the Italian staff, as they are the coordinator school.


    The project has been carried on with an innovative methodology bringing technology into the classroom, which supported and enhanced a collaborative teaching methodology and a project-based approach:

    • Music,
    • Dance,
    • Visual Art activities,
    • Art Workshops (involved students and promoting inclusive education).


    • The CD, containing not only the Erasmus Anthem but also the recording of songs and dances from all the partner countries and materials prepared during the activities, played an important role in the dissemination of the project results.


    • We used websites, eTwinning platform, Zoom and emails to communicate about our project and to share the results among schools


    • A very positive impact on students, teachers and the local environment,
    • Meeting new friends abroad,
    • Raising the level of foreign languages
    • Exchanged of experiences and good practices,
    • Learnt about the culture of other countries,


    • Poland - two articles for the newspaper „Nowy Tygodnik Łobeski”,
    • Italy – „Corriere di Saluzzo”,
    • eTwinning
    • Websites