C1 - Blended mobility at IES Juan de Mairena

  • Meeting Agenda

    Sunday 26 November 2017
    Arrival of the French and Polish participants at Adolfo Suárez
     Madrid-Barajas International Airport
    18.30: Picking up the French and Polish pupils who will be hosted by Spanish families at IES Juan de Mairena
    Checking in at the hotel. 

    Monday 27 November 2017
    8.10-9.30: Welcome speeches - Presentation of the Spanish school system and the IES Juan de Mairena in the Conference room - A guided tour of the school.
    9.30-10.55: Ice breaking activity by the Physical Education and French Foreign Language teachers in the gymnasium.
    10.55-11.15: Breaktime
    The participants work in transnational groups by respecting the results of the online teaming up form and groups made in the Forum in the school library.

    ->Indoor workshop for making the IRGY films moderated by the Polish teachers
    Project Activities: Formal interviews and videos concerning the Spanish school - interviews of the Spanish head teachers for presenting their professional status, interviews of the Spanish teachers involved in our project to have information about their curriculum, shots of the schoolenvironment... without forgetting to film the accessible features for handicapped students.

    ->Indoor workshop for making the IRGY audio recordings moderated by the Spanish teachers
    Project Activities: Informal interviews concerning the Spanish school - interviews of Spanish pupils including the ones with special needs about their curriculum, their favorite subjects, extra-curricular activities... 

    ->Indoor workshop for making the IRGY treasure hunts moderated by the French teacher
    Project Activities: How to use Actionbound, editing the Bounds (the competitive one and the one for reduced mobility students), selection of questions from the TwinSpace Forum, choosing the best routes

    14.00-14.10: Breaktime
    14.10-15.05: Plenary session in the Conference room during which each group presents their work progress. Prize logo ceremony. 

    Tuesday 28 November 2017
    8.10-14.10: Outdoor activities guided by Spanish pupils and teachers 

    ->Outdoor workshop for making the IRGY films moderated by the Polish teachers
    Project Activities: Leisure time, lifestyle and historical landmarks in San Sebastian los Reyes (parks, monuments, museums, cultural centers, sport centers, shopping malls, shots of the town... without forgetting to film the accessible features for handicapped pupils)

    ->Outdoor workshop for making the IRGY audio recordings moderated by the Spanish teachers
    Project Activities: Audio guides about special festivities, typical traditions and lifestyle in San Sebastian los Reyes

    ->Outdoor workshop for making the IRGY treasure hunts moderated by the French teacher
    Project Activities: Investigation of the town to take photos, videos, test the routes, and get inspired

    14.10-15.05: Plenary session in the Conference room during which each group presents their work progress

    Wednesday 29 November 2017​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
    8.10-18.00: Cultural and local visits to include in the audio, video recordings and the treasure hunts

    ->8.10-9.05: Plenary session in the Conference room

    ->9.30: Guided visit of Plaza de los Toros 

    ->10.30: Visit of the museum of ethnography El Caserón

    ->Picnic at Complejo Deportivo Municipal Dehesa Boyal and Parque Natural Dehesa Boyal

    ->Circuito del Jarama​​​​​​​

    Thursday 30 November 2017​​​​​​​
    8.10-14.00: Indoor activities 
    10.55-11.15: Breaktime

    ->Indoor workshop for making the IRGY films moderated by the Polish teachers in the Conference room
    Project Activities: Video recordings about typical Spanish lifestyle (recipes, typical food and drinks brought by every participant to share for lunchtime)

    ->Indoor workshop for making the IRGY audio recordings moderated by the Spanish teachers in the music classroom
    Project Activities: Creation of vocals and jingles, recording of typical Spanish songs sung by the French, Polish and Spanish participants with some information

    ->Indoor workshop for the IRGY treasure hunts moderated by the French teacher in the school library
    Project Activities: Finalising the treasure hunts in English for testing them the day after

    ​14.00-14.10: Breaktime and lunchtime at school (a shared meal with typical Spanish food) in the Conference room
    14.10-15.05: Plenary session during which each group presents their work progress in the Conference room

    Friday 1 December 2017
    8.10-11.15: Outdoor activities for testing the 2 treasure hunts in English and in transnational teams (the competitive one and one for reduced mobility students). Before leaving school the participants have to upload the Actionbound applications on their mobile devices and flash the QR codes. 
    11.15-13.05: Transnational sport tournaments including the Spanish special needs pupils organised by the Spanish PE teacher in the gymnasium. 
    13.05-14.10: Prize ceremony for the treasure hunts and sport tournaments, Europass mobilities and the Certificates of attendance giving and Closing ceremony in the Conference room

    And the winners of San Sebastian de los Reyes treasure hunt are...

    1. Audio 1
    2. DomiYaiThis
    3. Audio y acoplados
    4. JML
    5. Potatoe
    6. AKKA_kingz
    7. Treasure girls
    8. Flageloides
    9. Magic team 2

    ​​​​​​​Saturday 2 December 2017
    Checking out from the 
    12.00: Departure of the French and Polish participants from IES Juan de Mairena for Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas International Airport