During the school year we have been reading a lot and now we are happy to achieve the highest score in the school book-reading index. We received a diploma and congratulations from our headmaster. We are going to read during summer holidays. We wish you all: Enjoy your reading!!!

Ex libris is usually a small print or a decorative label pasted into a book to the inner side of the cover with the name or emblem of the owner of the collection. Today in the morning we discussed the topic of ex libris, we watched lots of examples and later we were designing various ex libris. Here are the results of our work.
Our school play "To the berry picking"
For two days our team presented at our school a play based on M. Konopnicka's book "To the berry picking". The first day it was for children from two kindergartens and colleagues from other classes and the next day for our parents. At the beginning of the meeting we gave Power Point presentation showing the life and writing for children by an outstanding Polish poet and writer Maria Konopnicka. We encouraged everyone to read her books. We also reminded the guests our activities in Read and Share project. At the end of the meeting we sang the song "Books, books, books". We were honoured also by presence of the headmaster and vice-headmaster of our school. Our presentation was very nice welcome by the guests.
In VIDEOS we added a movie showing our play.
Poems for mums
On 26th May we celebrae Mother’s Day in Poland. On this occasion we were invited to Radio Station of Rzeszow. In the live broadcast we recited poems about love for mother. Then we talked about our mums and wished them all the best. We even sang the song. At the end we watched an interesting work of journalists. It was an amazing experience :-)


Tongue twisters
There are words and sentences in every language that are hard to pronounce correctly. Our team has recently read poems and rhymes written by Polish authors containing such difficult words. We had a great fun!! :-) We found out that our language is really not easy :-)… We trained Polish tonque twisters for the recitation competition.
This competition was held at our school on May 12, 2017. We are very happy because in category students aged 6 -10 the winner was Lena K. from our team who beautifully and perfectly presented the poem titled "Strzyżyk" [stshizhik], meaning a species of a bird, by M. Strzałkowska.
After a great brainstorming we created our recipe for a good book :-)

Adulds read for kids
From January to April 2017 the Polish team from Rzeszow hosted well known people, who are passionate about reading books. The invited guests read fragments from selected books, answered questions about why books are worth reading and they talked about their passions and interests. All the meetings with the invited guests were very interesting and informative.

The Bible Reading Day
The Bible Reading Day took place at our school on the week before Easter. Older classmates presented many interesting facts about the Bible and announced it through the school radio. Teachers from our school read Bible passages in different languages: Latin, German, English and Russian. Our team also read the Bible during lessons and during breaks. We have also done a number of tasks based on knowledge of the Bible. It was a very informative event.Primary School No 10 Rzeszów, Poland

Meeting with student's parents
On April 5 2017, during a meeting with my students' parents, I summarized the past activities of Read and Share eTwinning project and made an exhibition in the school corridor, where parents could see their children's works and photos of various activities in our project. Parents were delighted and congratulated us on such effects. Here are a few photos from that day. Primary School No 10 Rzeszów, Poland

The funny event took place at our school on 14th of February

Last week pupils from Rzeszów, Poland were consolidating English vocabulary related to books and libraries. They used traditional methods like using dictionaries, making a mind map and a poster. But the best tool was Tagxedo - Creator. They had a great fun :-).

Promoting reading in kindergartens - Primary School No 10 Rzeszów, Poland
Last Friday we visited two kindergartens in the neighborhood of our school to encourage our younger friends to read books. Together with our class, came along the fifth grade students. First, we presented preschoolers some slogans to popularize reading and sang them the song "All of Poland read for the Kids". Then, dressed as different characters, we advertised various books worth reading. Next, we recited a rhyme, in which books ask their readers for a good treatment. Fifth grade children showed performance titled “Królewna Smieszka” Finally, together with the younger colleagues, we have performed works of art showing dogs from the book by W. Chotomska ‘Quintupuppies’. It was a very successful meeting and we hope that we won new book lovers!

On 4th November 2016 we held a Reading Slogans Competition in our school. It is our class who won it in the category of junior classes!! We are so happy!! Our slogan was a joyful paraphrase of the first lines of a popular Polish poem "At the stall" by J. Brzechwa and it said that even vegetables are fond of reading books. We all had great fun! In VIDEOS is a short movie of this event we would like to share.
Rzeszow, Poland