Dissemination by the Portuguese Team



    The Portuguese team presented our project on Europe's Day in EB n2 da Lousã school  - we celebrated not only Europe but also 12 years of eTwinning.


    On June 19th, the last school day at EB nº2 da Lousã there was a public presentation of our project for students, teachers, parents, school principal and coordinators and representatives of the town council. A group of students presented the activities / adventures accomplished in our project. The session was held at the school library. Read and Share was considered a very sucessful project in promoting books and reading.


    “Read and Share” was presented at the event “Letters with Music” held on November 30th, 2017, at Lousã Town Library. Students received the pupil Quality Label certificate.


    Article about the Portuguese National Prize 2017 for "Read and Share" in the local press - Trevim - Lousã newspaper.