Travel Guide

  • Now we will form international groups in which you are asked to collect all the places of interest according to type in one guidebook. Try to use a lot of photos and develop a route for your travels.


    Add your name and country behind the topic. Try to distribute evenly among the topics so that each country is represented in each topic (i.e. each tour through Europe).

    Monuments: Christine (D), Laura M. (D), Julia (Pl),  Alberto (Pl), Bulent (Be), Dimitris (GR), Dionisis (GR), Ritella (I), Capriuli (I), Giordano (I), Léo (F), Maëda (F), Camille (F), Théo (F), Mike (F), Théo (F), Samuel (F)

    Museums: Ingrida (D), Anna (D), Katarzynka W. (Pl), Natalia (Pl), Soukaina R (Be), Beyza (Be), Sotiris Ch. (GR), Christina M. (GR), Gaputo G (I), Maldarizzi (I)

    Natural sights/landscapes: Sascha (D), Justin (D), Madzia (Pl), Lamyae (Be), Surico (I), Christina L. (GR)

    Food (cookbook):Pelin (D), Lesley (D), Joana (D), Olga (Pl), Soukaina D (Be), Michel (Be), Diana (GR), Emilio (GR), Signorile, Valentino (I), Luna (F), Marie (F), Marion (F), Clara (F), Sarah (F), Clara (F), Juliette (F)

    Language (course): Dilsad (D), Fatma (D), Esra (D), Demet (D), Pola (Pl), Seel (Be), Polyvia (GR), Christina K. (GR), Anastasia (GR), Caputo (I), Buono (I), Joséphine (F), Alexia (F), Lucie (F), Katy (F), Chloé (F), Pauline (F)

    Shopping: Laura W. (D), Michelle (D), Kevin (D), Wiktoria (Pl), Badia (Be), Kaoutar (Be), Fortunato (I), Scamarcio (I), Elsa (F), Giovana (F), Océane (F), Laura (F), Elisa (F), Eponine (F). Maria M. (GR), Angelica B. (GR)

    Churches: Myka (D), Yanick (D), Muhammed (D), Katarzynka K. (Pl), Siham (Be), Nada (Be), Signorile (I), Valentino (I), Pietroforte (I)

    Football stadiums: Tom (D), Petrit (D), Haris (D), Szymon (Pl), Miłosz (Pl), Ali (Be), Assim (Be), Sotiris G. (GR), Tasos (GR), Yorgos (GR), John(GR) , Limitone (I); Di Cuia (I), Angelillo (I)