Jokes about Blondes 4

  • Vtip 6

    Ako sa povie blondínke medzi dvoma brunetami?

    Mentálny blok.


    Joke 6

    How to call a blonde girl between two brunettes?

    Mental block.



    Vtip 7

    Aký je rozdiel medzi blondínkou a počítačom?

    Do počítača musíte informácie vložiť len raz.


    Joke 7

    What’s the difference between a blonde girl and a computer?

    You must enter information to the computer only once.


    Vtip 8

    Ide blondínka autom a zrazu narazí do stromu. Rýchlo vystúpi z auta, objíme strom a vraví: ,,Stromček, stromček prepáč, ale ja som trúbila!"


    Joke 8

    A blonde girl drives a car and suddenly crashes into a tree. She quickly gets out of the car, hugs the tree and says: “Tree, tree, I’m sorry, but I was honking.


    Vtip 9

    Príde blondínka do galérie a pýta sa, kto namalovaľ tento desný obraz... Zamestnanec odpovie: -"Pani, to je zrkadlo!"


    Joke 9

    A blonde girl comes to a gallery and asks, who painted that terrible painting...The employee says: - “Mrs. that’s a mirror!”



    Vtip 10

    Blondínky nemajú len jednu mozgovú bunku. Ale až 3.

    Prvú na chlapov, druhú na menzes a tá tretia to prepína.


    Joke 10

    Blondes don’t have just one brain cell. They have 3 brain cells.

    First one for men, second one for period and that third switches those two.