Draft Resolutions - The League of Nations

  • FORUM: Paris Peace Conference

    ISSUE: The League of Nations

    SUBMITTED BY: Poland


    The Paris Peace Conference,


    Deeply regretting the atrocities of the Great War,


    Noting with deep concern that such conflicts must be prevented,


    Alarmed by the lack of international pressure on aggressor states prior to the beginning of conflict,


    Bearing in mind that eventual disarmament, with a focus on the eradication of chemical weapons, should be a common ambition for all nations,


    Emphasizing the benefit of an international organization to promote intergovernmental cooperation and peace,


    Recognizing the vulnerability of an independent Polish state without international protection,


    1. Congratulates the American delegation to the Paris Peace Conference for the conception of a League of Nations,


    1. Calls upon all nations to become members of the League of Nations;


    1. Encourages diplomacy in the face of conflict;


    1. Suggests the creation of:

      1. The Council, consisting of 5 permanent members and 15 non-permanent members,

      2. The Assembly, consisting of all member states of the League of Nations, comprised of:

          1. The Disarmament Committee,

          2. The Decolonization and Mandates Committee,

          3. The Economic Committee,

          4. The Social Committee,

      3. The Secretariat, the chief administrator of the League who will be recommended by the Council and voted upon by the Assembly;


    1. Further suggests the creation of:

      1. a peacekeeping force comprised of troops from all member states be created in order to respond to aggressor states as a branch of the League

      2. an international court to resolve territorial dispute;


    1. Requests that the League of Nations promote disarmament through:

      1. Encouraging the limitation of arms to defense,

      2. Eradication of chemical weapons,

      3. Diplomatic discussion in order to resolve conflict;


    1. Recommends that all countries have equal power in the League of Nations and that a two-thirds majority should be required to pass resolutions;


    1. Further recommends that the peacekeeping force should be used as a last resort in responding to aggressor states and economic sanctions be the main consequence of aggressive action for nations;


    1. Further suggests that the seat of the League of Nations be in a neutral nation;


    1. Notes that representatives to the Council should be permanent representatives at the seat of the League in order to respond quickly to emergency situations;


    1. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.




    Austrian Resolution League of Nations

    Forum: Paris Peace Conference

    Subject: The League of Nations

    Submitter: The Republic of Austria

    Co-Submitters: -

    The Paris Peace Conference,

    Deeply Disturbed by the devastation caused by the war and the cost to repair Europe.

    Alarmed by the other powers refusing to take fault in the destruction of other powers.

    Emphasizing the devastation caused by the war which cannot be taken care of by one country by itself.

    Noting with regret that Austria is actually in need of money to rebuild its infrastructure.

    The Paris Peace Conference:

    1. Declares that only as a combined unit can we rebuild Europe.

    2. Emphasises that Austria is in a state that renders it unable to rebuild itself and requires aid to do so.

    3. Reminds everyone that all powers took part in both razing and killing towns and people, and having our towns and people razed and killed, therefore we should work together to help rebuild what we destroyed.

    4. Softly condemns the other powers for wanting to metaphorically kick Austria when we are on the ground because we have to rebuild as much as anyone else.


    Forum; Paris Peace Conference

    Subject: League of Nations (non-aggression)

    Submitter; Belgium

    Co-Submitters: --



    The Paris Peace Conference,


    Reminding the all destruction and bloodshed caused by the recent war,

    Acknowledging the importance of the security among European countries and the formation of law make it become true,

    Expecting none of the countries and nations in will violent the law but encourage it,

    Taking into consideration the causes which led to the German Empire took her aggressive action in these years,


    The Paris Peace Conference:

    1. Requests the clause of non-aggression is in the covenant of the League of Nations;

    2. Suggests that a conference which provide a place for countries to talk on their issues will be held once in 6 months in Geneva, Switzerland and which also;

    1. it should be concentrated on the topics of aggressive act of countries, nations, Empires may take, and how to prevent it;

    2. it should be led by the United States of America and 5 countries,

    selected by an election;

    1. Strongly condemns any countries, nations, Empires violated this agreement on non-aggression by;

    1. Imposing economic and trade sanction on the country as long as she kept continuing the aggressive act as the League of Nations

    2. The prohibition of all intercourse between their nationals and the nationals of the covenant-breaking countries or nations or Empires

    3. Eliminating the name of the country, nations and Empires on the list of the League of Nation’s members.


    Forum: The Paris Peace Conference

    Subject: The League of Nations

    Submitter: Republic of France


    The Paris Peace Conference:

    Deeply disturbed by the events from 1914 to 1918

    Deeply concerned about the world’s peace

    Reminding every country about the Central Powers actions

    The Paris Peace Conference:

    1. Calls for the demilitarization of the Central Powers

    2. Demands ensuring the safety of the France North-Eastern border

    3. Requests the permission for Central Powers’ territorial division

    4. Strongly urges for the political control of the Central Powers


    Forum: Paris Peace Conference

    Subject: League of Nations - Disarmament

    Submitter: The Kingdom of Italy

    Co-Submitters: -

    The Paris Peace Conference,

    Alarmed by the horrible bloodshed and the deaths of more than 8 million people,

    Deeply disturbed at the damage of infrastructure and devastation of thousands of homes and architecture,

    Emphasizing the escalation of war due to the armaments races in the previous years,

    Seeking to ensure a lasting peace,


    The Paris Peace Conference,

    1. Demands the prohibition of usage of chemical weapons and tanks;

    2. Calls upon the reduction of the number of soldiers and naval forces in each country’s army whose only purpose will be the maintenance of national safety;

    3. Requests the limit of manufacture of munitions and military equipment;

    4. Proposes that the League of Nations establishes an inspection which would check if each country is carrying out the reduction of their weaponry and number of men in their armed forces and provide information about it to the League of Nations.



    Forum: Paris Peace Conference

    Subject: The League of Nations

    Submitter: The Kingdom of Italy

    Co-Submitters: -

    The Paris Peace Conference,

    Alarmed by the horrible bloodshed and the deaths of more than 8 million people,

    Deeply disturbed by the damage of infrastructure and devastation of thousands of homes and architecture,

    Emphasizing the escalation of war due to the armaments races in the previous years,

    Seeking to ensure a lasting peace,


    The Paris Peace Conference,

    1. Supports the creation of the League of Nations whose task would be to prevent conflicts and wars between countries;

    2. Proposes that the seat of the League of Nations is situated in a neutral country which had not fought in the Great War;

    3. Suggests that the League of Nations has the power to punish the member states in case of non-compliance with economic sanctions and international isolation;

    4. Calls upon the reduction of number of soldiers and naval forces in each country’s army whose only purpose will be the maintenance of national safety;

    5. Encourages that the League of Nations establishes an inspection which would check if each country is carrying out the reduction of their weaponry and number of men in their armed forces and provide information about it to the League of Nations.



    Forum: Paris Peace Conference

    Subject: League of Nations/States

    Submitter: The Republic of China

    Co-Submitters: -


    The Paris Peace Conference,


    Deeply disturbed by the amount of military and civil causalities.

    Fully alarmed by Germanys great power.

    Declaring that Germany had shown itself unfit to govern subject races.


    The Paris Peace Conference:

    1. Acknowledges Japans further role in worsening the independence of colonies by:

    • Willingly helping China conquer German Colonies.

    • Keeping in mind Japan occupying these colonies.

    1. Proclaims all Germanys colonies to other great powers.

