Write about a visit to an art museum (include photos or videos if possible) and give background info on the movement (Expressionism, Dadaism, Cubism etc.) presented in the exhibition chosen.

Wiktoria Wrzyszcz - Poland
From September to December 2017 in Lublin Castle an exhibition named “Pablo Picasso - Multiple image” was presented. Citizens and tourists could see almost 300 works of Picasso, including paintings, plates, medallions and even pottery. As this famous painter was the most known representative of cubism, some lectures connected to cubism were organised. Our school participated in the Erasmus+ Project, which included the module connected to arts after the war, hence some students decided to visit the exhibition and participate in the lecture, I was one of them. Lecturer showed several paintings to explain us how were they created and why. Lecture had great influence on me as it did not focus only on the basic rules of cubism, but also on the interpretation. Lecturer explained the history of cubism and was talking about its representatives. I could hear about the feelings that filled artists after the war and that helped me in understanding the need of creation of cubistic works. Participating in the lecture before visiting the exhibition eased the capturing of the cubistic elements in the presented art works. I saw paintings of Picasso second time in my life, but they impressed me even more. I enjoyed especially the poster which was supposed to promotor the value of peace, as it appealed to my feelings. A lot of works were white and black, hence few colourful paintings presenting the landscapes impressed me. They were a sign of hope in the gray daily life after war.