Draft Resolutions - Reparations

  • Committee: Paris Peace Conference

    Country: Poland

    Topic: Reparations


    The devastation to Europe with millions of people having died, agriculture, cities uninhabitable and its infrastructure destroyed and for long time is the result of the terrible war.

    The Polish delegation asserts that as a result of the cruel warfare Poland and its brave people have been deeply affected in several respects. More than 1 million war deads, 200,000 civilians killed, millions of Poles were conscripted by the Central Powers – into the armed forces plus forced to work for the German / Austrian industry. Russia, Germany and Austria forced resettlement programs for more than 1.5 million Poles. The resettled population lost its home, property and culture.

    The damage to large agriculture sites, villages, infrastructure committed by Germany, Russia and Austria destroyed to a large extend the livelihood for our people; it will take years to decades to recover from that material disaster.


    The delegate clarifies that the question of guilt will not be posed. Germany, Austria and Russia will be jointly in charge for all reparations. Each aggressor will pay for his crime according to the principles of causation.

    The Great War with its large amount of involved nations suffering from the disaster caused by the Central Powers demands an integrated and structured process to achieve a legitimate approach and result. To be precise the delegate expects that none of the Entente will require autonomously any reparations from the Central Powers.

    Defining the final list of reparations, fixing the relevant volume for each type of reparations, carrying on negotiations and final contracting must be fulfilled by an independent and accordingly staffed commission. The minimum result out of any negotiation demanded by the Polish people encompasses a full coverage of all damage committed by the 3 aggressors.

    A strong contract with rigorous financial burden on the aggressors is essential and a solid base for the reparations. We in addition demand to strengthen the implementation of obligations by a strict time schedule for all to be defined measures.

    The reparations will contribute to create an economically strong Polish nation as a solid and sustainable neighbour in the middle of Europe.



    Forum: Paris Peace Conference

    Subject: Reparations

    Submitter: Hejaz

    Co-submitters: -

    Paris Peace Conference,

    Convinced that Hejaz will get satisfaction for its involvement with war against Ottomans

    Deeply Regretting that they have got nothing

    Deeply disturbed by Great Britain and France have forgotten about Hejaz

    Fully believing that they will gain what they want.

    The Paris Peace Conference:

    1. Considers that Hejaz will get dominion over the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq as a reward for help.

    2. Deplores that even if they helped in war against the Ottomans and fighting against the central powers, they got nothing.

    3. Expresses its appreciation that Hejaz was an ally of France and England but after victory they have ignored Hejaz and divided territories between themselves only.

    4. Expresses its hope that their postulates will be considered and it will gain satisfaction for its involvement so Territories of Arabian peninsula, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.


    Forum: Paris Peace Conference


    Subject: Reparations

    Submitter: Poland

    Co-Submitters: -


    The Paris Peace Conference,


    Alarmed by the millions of dead and injured Polish people,

    Deeply concerned by the enormous damage committed to the properties, cities, infrastructure and agriculture by the German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Tsardom of Russia (aggressors),

    Taking into account the injustice of intense displacement and the 1.5 million forced labourers,

    Noting with deep concern the Polish people being exploited, partly died of starvation, mentally heavily injured,

    Fully aware of the complexity in defining the volume for any reparations and share of wallet of all affected nations,

    Recognizing the long term task of permanently measuring and steering the operational reparations in all respects,


    The Paris Peace Conference

    1. Convinced the long term injustice during the Great War to be eliminated in all dimensions is overdue;

    2. Requests the financial reparation due to all injured, killed polish people, harmed by whatsoever as well as forced labourers according to the ceteris paribus clause with clear financial compensation and accountability for relatives (children, spouse, others);

    3. Recommends financial compensations or substitutions in form of valuables to recover the initial state of:

      1. Infrastructure (roads / bridges, public and private buildings, hospitals etc.)

      2. Manufacturing sites, industrial infrastructure

      3. Agricultural sites, farms and infrastructure, forestry

      4. De-contamination e.g. of chemical weapons,

    4. Encourages to oppose additional financial compensation above the direct and physically measurable harm as lump sum payment;

    5. Expresses its hope to install and staff a commission accordingly to define, negotiate and conduct the overall process of reparations with respect to justice for all affected nations.


    Resolution on the issue of reparations

    Submitter: the Dominion of India

    The delegation of the Dominion of India,

    Expressing its appreciation on the efforts and investment of all the Allied Powers had for the Great War,

    Deeply regretting the impact of the war and the sacrifice of all Allied soldiers,

    Deeply concerned about the post-war reconstruction,

    Recognizing the importance and necessity of the reparation problems,

    Reminding all the Central Power should take the responsibility of all the devastations caused by the war and the post-war problems,

    Seeking the deserved and proper reparation for the contribution of India for the Great War,

    Expecting the following issues to be solved through the Paris Peace conference:

    1. Congratulates the victory of the Great Britain and also other Allied Powers for the Great War,


    1. Strongly suggests the reparation for India with,

    1. The condolence payment for the families of the soldiers who died for the war,

    2. The payment should be sufficient for the families to sustain life standard as most of them are women and children,

    3. The recover payment for the soldiers who wounded during the war included the medicine and healthcare in the following stage of their life,

    4. The economic compensation that enable India to recover from the national expenditure spent in the war,


    1. Requests both Germany and Britain to pay for the reparation for India,

    1. Germany should take approximately 70% of the reparation for India as India mostly confront with the German army and most of the casualties and losses are caused by Germany,

    2. Britain should take approximately 30% of the reparation for India as India fought loyally for Britain in the war and we expect our contribution to be appreciated,

    3. The reparation is expected to pay within 5 years


    1. Recommends the reparations not only in the form of money but also goods,

    1. The military equipments from Germany,

    2. Commodities for construction of infrastructure,

    3. Ships,


    1. Encourages demilitarization of the Central Powers,

    1. The military expenditure of the Central Powers should not exceed 30% of its national expenditure per year,

    2. Germany should not have any military alliances and treaties with other countries for the following 30 years,

    3. The military equipments of Germany should be confiscated to the Allied Powers,

    4. Germany should not manufacture or import any raw materials for weapons,


    1. Further encourages all the nations attending the Paris Peace Conference to settle the reparation issues peacefully,

    1. In the case of failure of amicable settlement, humanitarian reparation should be guaranteed which include

    1. The healthcare of soldiers,

    2. The condolence payment for families to sustain their life.

