
  • 11-15.1.2016                    Working with anti-bullying themes in 1st , 2nd  and 4th grade, empathy and

                                           understanding others feelings, diversity is a value

                                           Working with logos and slogans for the project

    18-22.1.2016                    Working with logos and slogans for the project

    25.2.2016                        Summery of the project so far, demonstration of activities to come, as well as reporting

                                          from visiting Romania and Spain

    16.3.2016 Video-conference between Finnish and Romanian pupils, discussions and presentations  about countries and places they have visited, or would like to visit.                                       

    18.3.2016 The day of equality, Minna Canth´s day, pupils and teachers listening to a story about equality, presented by pupils from class 1.


    22.03.2016                        Working with inclusion in 5th grade, around the KiVa-school  -philosophy


    8-12.4.2016                      Working with anti-bullying themes in 5th grade, the KiVa-school –philosophy


    29.4.2016                        Testing Twinspace for next weeks´ video-conference between Finland and Bulgaria

                                           Competition: Risö Talang 2016 (Risö Talent competition)

                                           Pupils perfoming different programs.


    3.5.2016                            Video-conference between Finnish and Bulgarian 4th grade pupils, discussions and presentations about hobbies and performing popular songs.                                    

    20.5.2016                          Video-conference between Finnish and Romanian pupils in 1st grade, performing songs about family and friendship


    1.6.2016                            Testing Twinspace for the video conference to be hold on 3rd of June between Finland and Italy


    3.6.2016                            Video-conference between Finnish and Italian 5th grade pupils, discussions and presentations about hobbies and interests.