Module 2: What are the 10 worth places to visit in your town ?

  •         Dear participants from France,Germany,Greece and Poland,

    The basic concept of our project is to enable you to exchange cultural aspects of your countries with your partners, so that at the end of your online collaboration, you will have become aware of your partner countries' civilization, culture, lifestyles and will be able to decide which country you would like to visit and spend a gap year.The aim of this module is to present 10 sightseeings of your hometowns and try to persuade your partners that the places you suggest are worth visiting. This module involves the following tasks.

    • 1. Each country creates a page. Select 10 places worth visiting and write descriptions as if you were a tour operator writing a leaflet or brochure trying to persuade people that the place you are describing is worth visiting. Find useful tips on writing leaflets in the doc below.


    • 2. Create real leaflets. Collect photos and extracts from your writings, choose a travel brochure template and make authentic leaflets that once printed, can be distributed to anyone interested in visiting your city.


    • 3. Take part in a competition in the tricider platform, write comments about the places you got impressed by and vote for 2 places you would definitely like to visit in your partners' countries.

    ​                                                                                                   Enjoy yourselves!!