Module 5:Festivals and cultural events

  • Dear participants,

    It's  FESTIVAL time.

    In this module, we would like to know what ocassions for celebrations take place in your hometowns or regions. Are there any annual festivals, cultural performances, festivities organised by municipalities? Do people get involved? How long do they last? Where are they held? What do you know about their origins? What kind of people do they attract? What time of the year do they occur? These events could cover arts, music, dance, theatre, traditions or anything else that reflects your country's culture, entertainment and lifestyles.

    Your task:

    1. Choose 5-6 of the most important festivals in your region, collect photos and information and write descriptions.

    2. Once you have collected your material, create nice powerpoint presentations which can then be converted into e-books by saving them as pdfs  and uploading in

    3. Embed your e-books into this page, go through your partners' e-books, study carefully their input and then go to the FORUM and write your comments about the festivals that you found the most interesting/strange/appealing.

    4. At the bottom of the page,provide words/phrases related to Festivals and submit in answergarden. 

                                              OUR E-BOOKS

                  The Greek Festival e-book                        

                                 Click on the image to view and read the Greek Festival e-book created by the Greek students.  

                                                                                 Festivals in Athens, Greece

    The French Festival e-book

    Click on the image to view and read the french Festival e-book created by the French students


    Festivals in LH


    The Polish Festival e-book

    Click on the image to view and read the Polish Festival e-book created by the Polish students.

                                                                                    Festivals and cultural events in Poland

    The German Festival e-book

    Click on the image to view and read the German Festival e-book created by the German students.

                                                                                     Festivals in Gummersbach, Germany


    This is the word cloud about 'words related to Festivals', created out of your entries in answergarden