Spanish long-term mobility in the Czech Republic 2020

  •  Hi! I'm Andrea, and 4 months ago I had the great oportunity to enjoy an Erasmus experience in Frydlant nad Ostravici, Czech Republic, for 2 months. There I met amazing people that I hope to see again when borders will be open. I also participated as "Spanish teacher" and student in other subjects. Outside the high-school I met more people, traditions and beautiful places. I could visit the capital, Prague; nearby towns to Frydlant, like Ostrava and Ostravice; taste their delicious gastronomy, like babovka and birell; enjoy their traditions, like prepare the ball and a birthday party; relax in their nature, like in Malenovice and Baska; learn new games and sports, like vyvolávám and ice skating... Of course, an incredible experience that I'm not going to forget.




    But more or less a month after my arrival, COVID-19 crisis began the change things, borders began to close, high-schools began to close, people began sewing face masks... everything so fast. Cause closing borders I had to stay there two weeks more than what I was supposed stay, but at least we could go for walks, but we didn't very often because in close towns there were cases, but not in our town. Anyway, I was so lucky that my host family took care of me and tried to make me feel as comfortable as possible. I even could go running and say goodbay to some friends before my return trip.

    I could come back with the help of the embassy and some students from Valencia that were organizating a return trip by bus. It has been an experience that is going to be always with me, and I really hope to go back to see all my friends again.

    Dekuji! Miluju te!