A Sustainable Farewell Gift (during each school’s timetable on 16/04/2021)

  • More than a year ago, while discussing sustainable solutions for our cities, the Student Team came to the conclusion that sustainability for a better world must start within our own homes. A brainstorming discussion led to the idea of producing a farewell gift for our visiting partners. Although COVID-19 does not allow us to give it to you personally, please receive the VIRTUAL FAREWELL GIFT we prepared for you.


    Take care, keep safe and GOODBYE (video) from the MyTown2020 Team at Escola Secundária José Saramago - Mafra


    • Afonso Cardoso
    • Beatriz Vaz
    • Catarina Rodrigues
    • Duarte Silva
    • Filipa Miranda
    • Joana Lopes
    • Mafalda Pinto
    • Mara Rodrigues
    • Matilde Lameiras
    • Matilde Oliveira
    • Rodrigo Lourenço
    • Tomás Boaventura


    • Ana Maria Dias - Coordinator
    • Inês Bruno
    • Patrícia Adrahi
    • Marília Peres
    • Natália Gontcharova
    • Rita Pereira
    • Sandra Afonso
    • Teresa Bruschy
    • Vera Silva



    Your last virtual task for the week:

    Evaluation of Virtual Activities