21.3 Emotional Intelligence Training Course in Istituto Comprensivo di Fontanellato e Fontevivo

  • The Comprehensive Institute of Fontanellato and Fontevivo prepare a Training course for teachers  on Emotional Intelligence.

    The Training Course was held by a Psicologist Francesca Berti in ten hours: two frontal  lesson and two workshop.  

    Francesca Berti explain to the teachers:

    • What is the Emotional Intelligence,
    • Which kind of physical connection have,
    • In which part of the brain works,
    •  How works Emotions with our body language,
    • Because is important to recognize our Emotions;
    • How work with E.I. at home as parents,
    • How work with E.I. at school with pupils 

    During the two workshops teh group of 66 teachers that follow the training course prepare some project to do intheir classes to help their pupils to recognize their own Emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Angriness, Fear, Disgusting.

    At the end of the Trainign Course Doctress Francesca Berti suggest to teh teacher to do every week an hour of discussion in class on pupils Emotions.

    Psicologist Francesca Berti at White Board  during a workshop

    A group of teachers