


    Welcome to our Project ERASMUS+VAN.


    This is a two years project for collaborating in the teaching-learning process to improve our pupils inclusion and integration through "emotions" and "Art".

    There is a big participation with 6 schools from five different countries as you can see in the next pages.

    We are aware about the importance for our pupils to know how to solve conflicts between equals and improve a better convivence at school. For that we, as teachers, will realize a main work about how to work "EMOTIONS" in the class. The first step will be "emotions recognition" so that to learn how to manage them in every circumstance. It will increase and improve the integration of all pupils.

    On the other hand, inclusion will be better through activities that help to work in a collaborative way. Art is one of the best subjects to organize this kind of activities. We will put together, emotions and Art, to improve integration in our schools. We will consider the European Cultural Heritage and we will encourage our pupils for some research about famous European painters.

    Our six schools will investigate together and will coordinate and organize activities for this main aim.

    The Erasmus VAN Project will finish with all the results from this collaboration but we have to mark that there will be three main results:

    • An Emotions Framework about how to work them at school.
    • An Art Guideline for working this subject in order to improve inclusion.
    • A Museum at schools showing our pupils creations.

    This amazing presentation shows a summary of all the Project process. Enjoy it !




    General Planning for the two years Erasmus VAN Project:

    Click below
    General Planning VAN Project English (1).pdf


    Pupils works about different school partners countries:





    "El proyecto "Erasmus+VAN" está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del CEIP Seis de Diciembre de Alcobendas , Madrid , Spain y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida."