• Our pupils are excited. They are eager to connect through Google Hangout, Skipe or Whatsapp with pupils from other schools from othe countries.

    First connections among teachers and pupils from different schools and countries were on December 2018. Children were sharing Christmas Carols and other songs and questions in english about how they were or the weather. Happyness was around all of us. It was great to meet our European partners.

    Second connection was for showing a tipical Spanish tradition from our Cultural heritage: The celebration of Christmas Eve and the sound of the twelve bells and the twelve grapes. If you want to know a little more about it just have a look at our pupils explanation and demonstration on this video:

    From 3 years old to 12th years old pupils, all tried to have a connection with the different schools to show and explain this tipical tradition in Spain with grapes and bells on New years´Eve. Everybody was ready with their fancy costumes and the 12 grapes for the connections:

    Funny surprise from Ireland. Father Christmas was also connected!!!!

    On January we could have other connections among school partnerts as for example Germany (Berlin) with Spain (Alcobendas). Pupils ask each others about their schools, names, weather, vacations etc. in English language. They enjoyed a lot.


    2019 May

    Connection Sweden /Spain

    Great information sharing.

    Swedish pupils from Falköping explained how they work at school  and showed their feet with socks and no shoes inside the classroom. They tell many things about their school, timetable and subjects.

    Spanish pupils did the same. Two groups of 3rd and 4th primary joined together this fantastic activity to internationalize our schools.They asked and answer many questions in English about their both schools. At the end Pupils from Alcobendas explained facts about a very known Festival from Madrid, St. Isidro´s Day. Pupils were wearing tipycal regional costumes from Madrid and this special festival.


    2019 May

    Connection Ireland/Spain

    Children of six and five years old shared this activity and sang and dance tipical songs in english after greeting each others.


    2019 November:

    Conection Italy/Spain:

    Three classes of 6 years old together in Alcobendas school comunicating with 7 years old pupils from Fontanellato school.

    Sharing information about their school through questions in English and singing songs in English. What a fantastic experience: