• Our ERASMUS  VAN PROJECT was stroked by an external and uncontrolled situation that changed our lives: The COVID.

    Schools were closed and partners had to cancelled our activities and mobilities for many months.

    Then we decided to adapt the project to the new situation.

    Art was like a medicine for our pupils during enclosure times and they could show their emotions about the COVID situation such as AMGRYNESS or SADNESS.

    Look at their feelings through their artistic productions:


    Art can be therapeutical for children to manage their emotions and show everything they feel in hard situations specially for children with special eduactive needs .


    Look at these pictures about our pupils before and after COVID, without masks and wearing masks: There is a common point through them: children feel happy thanks to Art activities. This is the reason because we consider at our school that ART is a very important subject for the wellbeing of our pupils.


    Before COVID:

    Enjoying Art activities...

    After COVID:

    Enjoying Art activities...