Ther Carnival is an ancient Festival that come from the prehistoric times.In Italy is celebrated for a week and people walk the streets in disguise and love making jokes and having fun. During the Carnival week there is the habit of eating a lot of meat, susages, cheese and cakes and dessert like "Frittelle", "Tortelli dolci", "Chiacchiere" and drink a lot. It is a week in which social rules are turned upside down. After the Carnival, in Christian Catholic world, the period of penance begin to prepare for Easter Time.
A Carnival Parade in Fontanellato
Masked pupils in a corner of Ponte Taro Primary School
Pupils around Fontanellato's Castle
A Carnival Party in Fontevivo Primary School
Micky Mouse Teachers
The End of Carnival in Italy
On the Tuesday of Carnival in Italy it is custumary to build a bonfire with old wood and light it at dusk. On the Falo' is put a puppet called "The old woman" which represent the Carnival that is burned. People gather in the heat of the fire and eat Carnival sweets and drink wine.
The Falo'- A Carnival bonfire in Fontevivo.
The End of Carnival in Spain
On the Tuesday of Carnival in Spain the end of the Carnival is represented with "The Funerl of the Sardine" . People disguised as preist, nuns or widows, parade trough the streets behind the sardin coffin.
Pupils of Fontanellato Primary School prepare "The Funeral of the Sardine" for the Carnival Parade in Fontanellato.