Our project starts
New Erasmus project for Norgårdenskolan Uddevalla
The 1st Junior High School Byron participate in an Erasmus+ project
1st meeting in Island
State High School of Finance and Management 'Intellect', Pleven reached as far as 66 degrees North - the first meeting in Iceland.
The first Learning Teaching and Training activity was only for teachers and took place on October 8-10 in Iceland. The teachers from all countries gave presentations of their schools and got to know each other better. They became acquainted with Icelandic educational system and had a meeting with a representative of the municipality. A Greek teacher delivered a practical lecture on eTwinning and all the teachers started their work on it. During joined workshops the teachers planned further project activities in every detail. While visiting Iceland all of us had a unique opportunity to enjoy its stunning nature and couldn’t help falling in love with this amazing country and its hospitable people.
The publication by the Bulgarian school
The publication by the Greek school
A publication by the Dutch school in the weekly school journal
A publication by the Dutch school in the information magazine from the school