1st) We studied the articles of Human Rights 28-30:
“Right to a Free and Fair World”
“Duty to Your Community”,
“Rights are Inalienable”
by watching videos, filling worksheets and playing games as a group.
A game from the “Compassito” in which we match the name of the great fighters of HR with their life and their tireless donation. We learn about Helena Roosvelt, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gadi e.t.c….
- Let's start a discussion on Twinspace via the padlet for the “fighters” of HR.
2nd) We collected data for the educational system of our country in the long run up to the school of today. We made a questionnaire and took interviews of different ages. The aim was to highlight the study of the topic "Active student - Democracy at school today".
We discussed about active citizens and wrote a questionnaire. Τhe aim was for the classmates to think about the duties and the responsibilities they have in their daily life at home, at school, in the road e.t.c. (47 questions)
It was answered by almost 300 students and we can see the results at the above link.