Main theme gender equality, different religions and customs related to them, freedom of thought and opinion. Those themes are part of the
curriculum of all the schools. Students will deal with questions like: How do we describe gender equality? Maybe you were born in the wrong body?
Gender altering? How do religions deal white gender? Why is it important? What different customs belong to different religions. What is the situation
in each country when different religions meet (gender perspective)? What is tolerance and when is tolerance not appropriate?
Before LTT in Sweden all schools will have a solidarity campaign where the school chooses one of the topics from Global Goals (1-6) These campaigns will be presented and evaluated in Sweden. Students will prepare short videos that will be on display
in this LTT. Also during the term all students will be raised awareness of the same issues and the five partner schools will have the educational
material of the digital platform as a common reference. They will write
small essays, make posters, exhibitions. This work is going to be prepared during the curriculum lessons to involve as many students as possible
and evaluate it in his LTT. Students shall also prepare a power point presentation about their school and city.
During LTT:
Students will collaborate in teambuilding/rulegames activities there we want to include stakeholders called Nature school. It will be outdoor life where
students will learn about earth and nature's rights, a term that is emerging and discussed at both UN and in individual countries. They have to work
together to accomplish the tasks they will face during the course. A professor living and working in Cape Town, South Africa, has agreed to talk
about apartheid and the theme for this LTT with focus South Africa. He will also lead work shops for students. We will invite a woman who was born
a man and she will speak about how this affected her daily life during her teenage years. We will also invite RFSL, an organisation that stands for
equality among the sexes. Students will visit a museum with an exhibition about how it was to grow up as a transperson in the 1700s. After all
activities there will be workshops and discussions, exercises where they have to discuss human rights related to the topic. Then they have to work
together and speak about the things they feel are important for human rights related to the theme above and then make conclusions.