Our christmas cards - video
Our thoughts before and after this visit due a questionnaire (Animaker)
3rd of December 2018
On the 3rd of December 2018, World Day for People with Disabilities, the students of the 1st Junior High School of Byron participating in the Erasmus programme “Living in a challenging world” with two teachers , visited the Special School for children with vision problems and multiple disabilities in Egaleo, Attiki.
The students were guided around the School facilities by the principal ,the teachers and the supporting staff of the school and attended the scheduled activities of the daily programme. Our students participated in the workshops of art-and-craft, autonomous living and physical education, interacting with the teachers as well as with the students there.
They came into contact with a much different school, without books and specific programme. The teaching methods are adjusted to the special educational needs of the students, aiming at energizing the abilities of each one to the best .
The aim of the visit was to sensitize the students to issues of human rights. Being together with people with special needs, even for a short time, helps to develop skills of empathy and attitudes of embracing difference, along with social skills. Through personal contact, people with disabilities are no longer just a vague reference. They are people with names and faces entitled to equal educational opportunities. It is an essential starting point for erasing the lines that marginalize and stigmatize people.
The school principal Mr. Afouxenides, is informing us about the school and its students, who have Orthopedic Impairment, Visual Impairment including Blindness, Hearing Impairment including Deafness, Speech or Language Impairment, Autism, Intellectual Disability.
The special School-Gym
Our students trying the gym-equipments ...
The ball-pool with miraculously calming effects on students in seizure
The gardening room (whenever the weather is bad and does not allow to work outside in the garden...)
The garden used for the lesson of "Gardening"
The students of the Special School gardening ...
Their school-yard
Our students learning about the Braille-Code for blind people and how to write their name with the Braille-typewriter
The Room for "Learning how to live autonomously"
In the Room for Learning how to live autonomously: Here our students with their eyes closed are trying to match fabrics, to use the Braille-typewriter,
to screw the correct lid onto the correct bottle.
Student of the Special School working in the same room ...
Beautiful handicrafts by the disabled students
End of our visit : Our students in the backyard of the Special School
The students amswer to relevant questions via an Animaker video
While watching short videos about the Declaration of Human Rights, the students were asked to note down key words. They used the most striking ones to create the following word art picture.